6 posts tagged with MIDI.
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Polyfluous: MIDI-enhanced keyboard polyphony
I wanted to play polyphonic music (e.g., Bach) on my keyboard and give each voice a different sound, so I wrote some software to make it so. Link goes to 2 min. youtube video of a somewhat rough demonstration of my progress so far. Still lots to do, but I think there's something there.
Scarlatti on the Gadgetina
Link goes to 3 min. YouTube video of me playing Scarlatti (K159) on the gadgetina, a homebrew MIDI keyboard. The gadgetina is actually an old project, but the video is new. [more inside]
Play an 80s synth in your browser with 106.js, a MIDI-enabled emulation of the Roland Juno-106 synthesizer. Chrome/Desktop only. Github repo here.
I have recently written a MIDI control surface app for the iPad. It currently has six layouts, consisting of combinations of piano keyboards (with pitch bender), and ribbons and XY pads, which can be configured to send different MIDI control events. It works over WiFi, talking to the open-source DSMIDIWiFi client. [more inside]
Musical keyboard design concept
To quote myself from the page: "Most MIDI keyboards look like cheap toy spaceships from 1982. But music production is now a home activity. Here’s a keyboard you'd be proud to have
Velato: A music programming language
This a language that uses MIDI, instead of text, as source code (it's NOT a language used to create music). I tried to allow enough flexibility that you could compose something that both sounds good and works as a program. [more inside]