Happy Hour
January 17, 2011 10:57 AM   Subscribe

Happy Hour
Happy Hour is a card game based around serving drinks. Currently in alpha/playtesting phase.

The main link isn't much, but here's the artwork, and some pictures of the cards after I received them from The Game Crafter.

Karma Deck

Drink Deck

Ingredient Deck and Card Backs

Photos of cards after arrival

The instructions aren't that filled out on my main link... I've playtested a few times and think it has potential. Eventually need to find a place to make custom tokens (The Game Crafter does, but they use stickers that the person who ordered it has to put on, and with 100 tokens, it's not a pleasant experience, so i'm using them for the cards, only).

Currently am looking for a designer/illustrator, but need to save funds for that. Perhaps, Kickstarter is the route to go?
posted by symbioid (0 comments total)

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