9 posts tagged with cards.
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Researching Greeting Cards Around The World
I am researching information for an article about greeting cards around the world today - who sends them, what do they send - and I have put the questions into a survey. I am in the UK and looking for respondents in other countries. [more inside]
Iterations: concepting cards for product designers
A creative aid for product designers during the concept sketching process. Drawing a card and then sketching the result can lead iterative sketching down new and innovative paths not normally reached through standard concept drawing. [more inside]
Valentine's Day Cards from FPCoA.
Valentine's Day is only two weeks away! And you've forgotten Valentine's cards again, you cad. Well, we haven't. Send your tolerated one a Valentine and let them know you cared.
Love the Fakeproject Corporation of America.
Happy Hour
Happy Hour is a card game based around serving drinks. Currently in alpha/playtesting phase. [more inside]
Baseball Card Hall of Fame
A new tumblr that recognizes the long-ignored achievements of baseball cards. Fewest Last Names! Deadliest Mindrays! Best Zach Galifianakis Impersonation! And so forth. [more inside]
Dempsey Press - Fine Letterpress Printing
Vanna79 and I just launched Dempsey Press, a letterpress print shop located in Ottawa, Canada. Along with custom letterpress printing, we just finished printing our first line-up of cards and note papers. All our greeting cards and envelopes are made with 100% cotton paper. Favorites include "All I want for Christmas is your two front teeth" and Robot Season's Greetings cards. We also have an Etsy Shop. [more inside]
The Pointless Weblog
The pointless weblog is a place where I post scans of some of my old and partially forgotten things, like papercaft spaceships, 80s comic strips, top trumps, puzzles, and other nostalgic things, as well as a science fiction story my brother wrote when he was about 7, and photos of my nan growing up in pre-war france. [more inside]
Lotería is a Mexican game, similar to Bingo. I've made my own deck, with all original subject-matter—see here for other traditional and non-traditional Lotería decks. My cards are now for sale and make a fine conversation piece. They're also neat-looking. The cards can be ordered here.
bunt cake: a webcomic thing
bunt cake is a new comic thing that I make out of baseball cards. It’s not about baseball, it's just literally made out of baseball cards. So if you like your childhood ephemera gone at with a pair of scissors and then recontextualized against random photographic backgrounds with dialogue juxtaposed there upon, this thing is right up your alley.