73 posts tagged with app.
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A calculator that computes to the nearest 1/16th, designed for US contractors and DIYers working in inches.
posted by thomaspark on Feb 4, 2025 - 4 comments

Dodgeball Finder: Discover dodgeball leagues & events near you to make friends and stay fit

When you think of dodgeball, do you remember being pummeled with 8.5" kickballs as a child or recall the 2004 cult classic movie? Many adults including myself have rediscovered dodgeball as a fun way to get exercise and make friends through local recreational leagues. Discovering and tracking nearby leagues and drop-in events is tedious and typically done through word-of-mouth (since web search results are incomplete and outdated). This motivated me to start a website to help players (initially just those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, California) to reliably find dodgeball happening near them. [more inside]
posted by mdean on Feb 19, 2024 - 0 comments

Sight Snap - a new game to speed up identifying notes on the staff

I built this simple browser-based matching game as a less boring way of building note recognition speed compared to the simple question and answer format found in most music theory apps. It should work on every device but will be more enjoyable on a touchscreen. [more inside]
posted by tomcooke on May 15, 2023 - 0 comments

Carbon Footprint Calculator

The Earth Rewards green app has a carbon calculator to help you track your CO2 footprint. It also helps you learn how to reduce your footprint. Each ERZ can offset 1kg of your carbon footprint so the more you collect the more you can help the environment. Please read PDF
posted by monicafrench on Nov 5, 2020 - 1 comment

Vote With Me

Who you vote for is private but whether or not you voted is largely public record. Vote With Me tries to match your contacts against the voting records, so you can identify people you know who didn't vote last election and maybe just need a gentle push from you to make their vote concrete. [more inside]
posted by cybertaur1 on Oct 21, 2020 - 0 comments

Random Animal Crossing Island Dream Codes

The latest release of Animal Crossing New Horizons let’s users upload their islands so others can visit at anytime, you just need their dream address. I made a tool that aggregates Dream addresses from public social media posts so users can easily get a random dream island to visit.
posted by disaster77 on Aug 13, 2020 - 0 comments

Tennis for when there's no tennis.

I've spent 30+ years fiddling with sports simulation games and using them to learn how to code. I think the only thing that made me finally finish this app was the fact that professional tennis has not been played in four months, but maybe also because I wanted to hone my Flutter skills. So here's my lifetime side-project -- a tennis simulation app that's neither a pong derivative nor a sports management game. It's not even really a game at all. But you can add yourself to the player list, and tap away to see how you do. Available for testing on Android, coming later for iOS.
posted by thorny on Jul 7, 2020 - 0 comments

quarantimer: a coronavirus quarantine timer web app for your things

Forget "can I eat this?", the question of the day is "can I touch this?" Finding myself with a porch full of things in various stages of quarantine, I made this app to keep track of how long you need to wait until any coronavirus on an item has probably degraded. [more inside]
posted by joeyh on Mar 24, 2020 - 0 comments

Tonic: an app that gives you personalized reading recommendations, ethically

I'm part of a tiny team of people who just released a free article-recommending app for the iPhone. While building/tweaking/testing it I kept getting recommendations that make me think of good Metafilter posts, so I wanted to pass it along! In addition to having amazing content, we've built it in a way that I think folks here would really appreciate. [more inside]
posted by rivenwanderer on Sep 18, 2019 - 0 comments

Good Spirits

Good Spirits is a drink tracker for iOS. Ever since learning about the correlation between drinking and various kinds of cancer, I've been meticulous about logging and tracking every drink I consume. Good Spirits makes this process easy: just set a weekly limit, check in your drinks, and the app will let you know when you're in the danger zone. For the craft beer drinkers, you can automatically pull new check-ins from Untappd. Free and soon-to-be open source!
posted by archagon on Sep 3, 2018 - 1 comment

Found Story

What's your story? Found Story is an app where people share their own stories on handwritten notes for others to discover. Whether happy, hopeful, or heartbreaking, these anonymous stories give us an unfiltered view into who we are and bring us together through our true experiences. [more inside]
posted by willt on Aug 4, 2018 - 0 comments

Backgroundifier & BackgroundifierBuddy

I built two macOS apps that turn your desktop wallpaper into a rotating mini-art-gallery. (Art not included, though!)
posted by archagon on May 7, 2018 - 1 comment

Wiles Habit - Track Your Habits

This is a habit tracking system I developed that has worked reasonably well for me. It's helping me stick to my New Years' resolutions. It's very rough. I'm sharing it here in case anyone else would find it helpful! [more inside]
posted by The Ted on Jan 26, 2018 - 1 comment

Pocket Conspiracies, a group role-playing app

I wrote and programmed a group role-playing app! The gist is everyone playing needs to be in the same room and have the app on their smartphone, and then they perform together a series of challenges. It's for 3-10 players, takes 20-45 min, ages 10+. The app is free, doesn't have ads, and doesn't track your info beyond what is strictly needed to run the game. [more inside]
posted by Archibald Edmund Binns on Dec 15, 2017 - 3 comments

Eat Everywhere (smartphone app)

I'm part of a team that just released a unique, pretty amazing food app (iOS and Android). It's called Eat Everywhere, created by Chowhound founder Jim Leff (though tons of us worked on it). It covers virtually every cuisine, offering pragmatic, quick, witty advice on how and what to order, and experience things like an insider. Great while traveling, as well as for eating in ethnic restaurants near home. Great for newbies who've always hesitated about strolling into the local Jamaican take-out, but also great for filling gaps for experts (also: calligraphs to show waiters in Chinese regional restaurants, etc. etc.). Here's Leff's launching statement, and the app's web page is linked above. [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover on May 17, 2017 - 4 comments


I joined the Apple Developer Program and went through the whole process just so I could make iMessage stickers of my cat, the frequently-posted-in-comments-here Zzyzx the Bengal! [more inside]
posted by BuddhaInABucket on May 3, 2017 - 1 comment


MusicMessages! is a collaborative step sequencer for the iMessage App Store (iPhone, iPad). Using the simple and (hopefully) intuitive interface, you can punch in a few chords or a percussion line and send the message off to your friends, who can then make their own changes and send it back. Five instrument layers and over 40 MIDI instruments are available to use. Bonus: if you have an iPhone 7, the note buttons respond to pressure and "pop" like bubble wrap with the help of the Taptic engine!
posted by archagon on Nov 30, 2016 - 1 comment

Touch Bar Piano

Have a new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar? Wish it had a really tiny fiddly two-octave keyboard? Then this is the program for you! Fully polyphonic, choice of all 128 sounds from the General Midi orchestra. Here's a demo video.
posted by grahamparks on Nov 26, 2016 - 0 comments


Inspired by dialogues in role-playing games like Baldur’s Gate II and King of Dragon Pass, I made an app that lets your write problems and put faces to your choices! [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Nov 4, 2016 - 0 comments

Fake app review detector

I've spent the past 18 months or so slogging away at apprecs.com, an app search engine that can detect review manipulation. You can see the worst offenders here. I posted this back when this was iOS-only, and I'd like to share some major new features I've added. [more inside]
posted by hodgebodge on Oct 20, 2016 - 2 comments

Gramma' Ma English Grammar

I recently became interested in coding and wanted to provide my students with a way to study on the go, so I made this Android app. It is four hundred grammar questions in sixteen different categories and five exams of forty questions each. All the questions are modeled after the TOEFL PBT or ITP exams, which almost no one takes anymore so the study materials are limited and this will hopefully help them. [more inside]
posted by Literaryhero on Oct 2, 2016 - 0 comments

Android app - Shortcuts for Waze 2.0

Unlike google maps, Waze has no way of creating shortcuts to destinations. So a while back I created a simple app to create shortcuts and released it into the wild. It got moderately popular, but people kept asking for features. [more inside]
posted by pyro979 on Jun 3, 2016 - 0 comments

Patina (since there's no "Microsoft Paint for Mac")

I wanted to use something like Microsoft Paint on my Mac, but I couldn't find any existing such app that I liked, so I decided to create one. This two year project finally reached full fruition this week with its launch as a paid app in the Mac App Store. [more inside]
posted by OCDan on May 17, 2016 - 7 comments

Approximal: hyperlocal augmented serendipity

Approximal is an iOS app that uses Bluetooth to discover people nearby. It can match you using social networks (18 supported so far, including the usual suspects), or any adhoc personal networks you and other people create. [more inside]
posted by Combustible Edison Lighthouse on Aug 21, 2015 - 1 comment


An on-demand and discreet delivery service for sexual health and safer sex supplies, created as part of the 2015 North American StartupBus. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jun 5, 2015 - 1 comment


Applying for visas is a pain in the ass - there's a lot of paperwork to deal with, and a ton of personal information to keep track of. So we've created a tracking app to help you manage all of that. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Apr 8, 2015 - 4 comments

Android App - Shortcuts for Waze

For some unfathomable reason Waze does not provide a built in way to add shortcuts to places (at least not that I could find, except maybe the home/work widget that doesn't work on my system). So I wrote this app to provide them. [more inside]
posted by pyro979 on Mar 25, 2015 - 4 comments

mynderMail - Email Yourself (my first Android app)

I got sick of composing a new email every time I wanted to send myself a note. I looked around, but couldn't find anything that did everything I wanted (at most I found ones that pre-filled the "to"/"subject" field). So I learned Android development (helped that I was already a Java dev) and wrote this app. [more inside]
posted by pyro979 on Dec 19, 2014 - 11 comments

make tired: the conditioning workout generator for iOS

I made an iPhone and iPad app that creates short, intense workouts to make you tired after strength training. [more inside]
posted by daveliepmann on Oct 29, 2014 - 0 comments

Event Deck - Automated club night finder using Facebook events

About 2 years ago I moved to a new city and suddenly faced clubbing ignorance. It turns out finding club nights (especially smaller ones) is pretty hard. Almost every night has a corresponding Facebook event, but to find it you have to be friends with the right people. I wrote some scripts which grabbed events off the Facebook API, worked out if they were club nights (you'd be surprised how many open events people make) and grouped them by city . This has evolved over the last 2 years (in short bursts of enthusiasm) into Event Deck, a website and Android app. [more inside]
posted by leo_r on Oct 28, 2014 - 1 comment


posted by xchmp on Sep 6, 2014 - 0 comments

Name That Student: An app to help teachers learn students' names

Name That Student is a free Android app to help teachers (post-secondary or K12) learn the names of their students. The app uses pictures of each student to create study flashcards and then to create quizzes: flashcard, multiple choice (one picture: 3-5 names), and reverse multiple choice (one name: four pictures). [more inside]
posted by A.Marin on Aug 28, 2014 - 0 comments

Shngri - iOS and web app for colour/sound relax

Inspired by the theories of Hans Cousto - the planet tones and the Law of the Octave, I made this iOS app and a web app. Use it for sound healing/meditation/connection with the Eternal/looking at nice colours.
posted by adamboro on Aug 11, 2014 - 0 comments

Hextris: A fast paced puzzle game

Hey guys me and a few friends made this game. More links to the various app stores are over here, and the source over here.
posted by dreyfusfinucane on Aug 9, 2014 - 7 comments

The Fridge app: save food, save money (with app video)

I've finally released an iPhone app I've been working on for four years: The Fridge. It's made to help you remember about your perishable foods so they don't go to waste. It has some unique UI elements that (I hope) are interesting. And of course, it comes with a demo video, but not a usual one (absolutely no soft ukulele music). [more inside]
posted by smasuch on Aug 8, 2014 - 1 comment

Augur: iPhone App That Uses Twitter to Predict the Future

Augur is an iPhone app that displays random Twitter posts, and attempts to provide both advice and prophesy. Pulling from a growing list of keywords, the app ignores any Twitter posts containing links, images, #hashtags, or @mentions. It also parses out any first person mention (I, Me, Myself) and tries to present Twitter posts containing second personal conditionals (You will, You shall, etc). [more inside]
posted by avoision on Jun 25, 2014 - 6 comments

Vhoto - find photos in video

Vhoto is an app for your iDevice (no Android, sorry) that uses computer vision and machine learning to pull still photos out of video you shoot. You can use the built in camera or import video shot with another app. We also have a social component for sharing your photos, and you can also share to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The app is free, here's a download link: http://vho.to/gettheapp/chris
posted by keep_evolving on May 1, 2014 - 0 comments

SAMi, the Sleep Activity Monitor

I created SAMi out of a very personal need to monitor my son at night after he was diagnosed with epilepsy. Using a networked IR security camera, I built the first version in 2009. The code was written in python and ran on a dedicated old Dell laptop. Over the years I've refined the design, tweaking the detection algorithm until I had a system that worked reliably for us. With the help of funding from the Epilepsy Foundation (I won their first "Shark Tank" competition) and the support of friends and family I've turned my bespoke python based solution into an iPhone app. www.samialert.com is my new website where we've recently launched SAMi to the public, we are starting to ship cameras worldwide. The response so far has been gratifying.
posted by cosmac on Apr 2, 2014 - 0 comments

Killer Word

Interesting instant-search dictionary app for iOS and Mac which finds words based on some of the letters they contain irrespective of order. For example you can type KQV and it will find you the only 13 words that contain all those letters (like EQUIVOKE). It's remarkably useful for word games like Letterpress (whose dictionary it is wrapped around) or for checking goes at Scrabble, or for a lot of word-related messing about. [more inside]
posted by w0mbat on Mar 20, 2014 - 5 comments

Just Graph It

A simple app for creating a line graph. It works by entering a number, a date-time is automatically associated with that number when it is entered. Two or more numbers and you got yourself a line graph. Not much more to it, there's the ability to create multiple graphs, and to edit entries, but tt's light weight by design. Note: Requires a modern browser with HTML5. It worked for me on PC (Chrome), Android and iPhone, it should work on everything else. There's a shorter alternate url as well: g.joha.us [more inside]
posted by forforf on Mar 12, 2014 - 0 comments

Breastfeeding & pumping helper app for iPhone

I had a baby this year, and we had a LOT of trouble with breastfeeding and pumping. I used basically every baby app I could find and found most to be frustratingly bad. So I made my own, and after 6 months of development (during naps no less) it went up on the App Store today. It works for nursing, pumping, or bottle-feeding moms, and even supports twins/multiples. And it is designed to be used one-handed. [more inside]
posted by annekate on Jan 6, 2014 - 0 comments

Writing Blocks

A text drafting tool so minimalist that the words you're writing are invisible [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Nov 19, 2013 - 13 comments

your next sentence

A web app to help blocked fiction writers write the next sentence (and the one after that, and the one after that...) [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Oct 12, 2013 - 0 comments

FoodRoulette iPhone App

As a long time reader of Ask Food & Drink, I've made a foodie/cook iphone app. More info and promo code inside. [more inside]
posted by cl3m on Oct 8, 2013 - 2 comments

Scrablet (Pro) Scrabble Trainer App

My husband and I wrote this Android app for serious Scrabble players to train their anagramming ability. Unlike similar apps it allows the player to choose between various scrabble competition dictionaries (SOWPODS, TWL, etc), to choose to get a rack that includes J, Z, Q or Z, to require that at least one 7-letter word is available and to specify whether or not blanks should be allowed. Word definitions are available, although in my experience most Scrabble players don't really care about those! There's also a free version people can try out that doesn't have some of these "professional" features. [more inside]
posted by lollusc on Aug 15, 2013 - 1 comment

Frank: Free, truly private, messaging for iOS

In the wake of the recent wiretapping allegations, I thought this might be of interest. Frank is a fairly unique iOS app which we've developed for secure chat. It permits frictionless, accountless, completely anonymous, end-to-end encrypted conversations, voicemails etc. Free at this point, although we will have to start charging for it sooner or later to cover server costs. Elevator pitch below the fold. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 10, 2013 - 6 comments

A Privacy Policy Generator for Mobile Apps

Privacy policies now are actually required across app stores and people are risking fines and being sued for not complying with the COPPA. So iubenda makes it really easy to comply with these requirements. (it's not just California btw. but California makes it clear that any app that is geared towards Californians, falls under their regulation).
Btw. we're always happy receiving feedback through the site, @iubenda or on here as well. :)
posted by iSimone on Jun 6, 2013 - 0 comments

Project Unison: A musical interval ear training game for iOS

I was working on being able to identify musical intervals by ear, but the apps I had tried weren't very fun. So instead of cursing the darkness, I got a few musical folks together and we made Project Unison, an app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that turns interval ear training into a fun arcade game. [more inside]
posted by buriednexttoyou on May 1, 2013 - 3 comments


Make fake iPhone and iPad apps to rickroll your friends (or worse...). More information about the project in this blog post.
posted by beeker on Mar 31, 2013 - 2 comments

Nametrix: Doctor or Dancer?

Nametrix is an iOS app I created initially for baby naming, but it ended up being way cooler than that. It uses public data on millions of people (US census, US campaign contributions, Wikipedia) to determine what professions, political parties, and other affiliations each name tends toward. For example, Ellen is a disproportionately common name for 1) psychotherapists, 2) librarians, and 3) activists. Ellens also overwhelmingly lean toward the Democrat party and have tended to be most popular in the northeastern part of the US. As far as I know, nobody else has made anything remotely like this... Pretty fascinating stuff, right? What other kinds of metrics would you like to see?
posted by hodgebodge on Jan 24, 2013 - 23 comments

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