3 posts tagged with app by pyro979.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
Android app - Shortcuts for Waze 2.0
Unlike google maps, Waze has no way of creating shortcuts to destinations. So a while back I created a simple app to create shortcuts and released it into the wild. It got moderately popular, but people kept asking for features. [more inside]
Android App - Shortcuts for Waze
For some unfathomable reason Waze does not provide a built in way to add shortcuts to places (at least not that I could find, except maybe the home/work widget that doesn't work on my system). So I wrote this app to provide them. [more inside]
mynderMail - Email Yourself (my first Android app)
I got sick of composing a new email every time I wanted to send myself a note. I looked around, but couldn't find anything that did everything I wanted (at most I found ones that pre-filled the "to"/"subject" field). So I learned Android development (helped that I was already a Java dev) and wrote this app. [more inside]