Approximal: hyperlocal augmented serendipity
August 21, 2015 8:53 AM   Subscribe

Approximal: hyperlocal augmented serendipity
Approximal is an iOS app that uses Bluetooth to discover people nearby. It can match you using social networks (18 supported so far, including the usual suspects), or any adhoc personal networks you and other people create.

MetaFilter doesn't have a public API for accessing user contacts, but you can add an adhoc MetaFilter group here which will match you with anyone else in the group.

(After about a year of work on and off, this is its first official public mention. I'd welcome any feedback at all on the site or the app.)
Role: designer, developer, dad
posted by Combustible Edison Lighthouse (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

This looks really cool and I hope it gets some traction.
posted by exogenous at 12:06 PM on August 25, 2015 [1 favorite]

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