mathowie's votes
Displaying vote 381 to 400 of 690

Brewing in a pumpkin -- a photoessay
A good friend of mine and I decided to brew beer in a pumpkin. This is how we did it. Photos of the process along with descriptive commentary. I previously did a similar, smaller-scale project, downloadable here (large PowerPoint file).
posted by cog_nate at 5:01 PM on October 17, 2007

QSL Cards @
A couple of months ago I found a huge box of CB and ham radio cards at a flea market. Bought the whole collection. I did a little research and found out that they're called QSL cards. They were traded by CBers and Ham radio operators. I love em. I've started buying as many of them as I can find. They're quirky. They're Americana. They have a folk art quality to them. I'll be posting one or two a day for the next year or so. Enjoy.
posted by Bighappyfunhouse at 6:38 PM on October 15, 2007

Ask the Optimist by George Saunders
This started as the biggest audio production I've ever done, then we added puppets and video. It's an adaptation of a great George Saunders story from his newest book, and features John Hodgman, Dan Klein from Kasper Hauser, Jonathan Coulton, Maria Bamford, Andy Daly, Jonathan Katz, Xeni Jardin and a bunch of other awesome people. The audio is by me, the video and puppetry adaptation is by Brian Hogg.
posted by YoungAmerican at 6:43 PM on October 11, 2007

Up to 5 million in funding for news web site ideas, the Knight News Challenge
The Knight Foundation's News Challenge contest offers $5 million for digital media ideas that "foster community". The contest's Web site states that the digital projects have to reach people "in a specific geographic area." 26 of last year's 200 finalists won more than $12 million. Statistically, that translates into an extraordinary winning chance for innovators. The deadline for applications this year is Oct 15, 2007. Anybody worldwide can apply. More at
posted by CameraObscura at 5:45 AM on October 10, 2007

Layer Tennis
From the ashes of Coudal Partners' Photoshop Tennis rises Layer Tennis. The same basic gameplay: Two designers or artists are on the court; one serves up an image, the other responds, building off of what he/she was given, back and forth until 10 images are completed. The whole thing is accompanied by play-by-play commentary, with a forum for audience conversation. Runs every Friday at 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern / 8pm GMT through the end of the year (and maybe beyond).
(coudal is the creator on this; I'm helping out with commentary and moderation.)
posted by me3dia at 4:24 PM on October 5, 2007

SlightlyGutted - home of qualified absolutes
After years of threatening to put my ranting online, here i am finally holding forth on, yes, qualified absolutes, but i may also find space for their partners in crime: tautologies and confused homophones. I'd list aberrant apostrophes and bad spelling too but I fear the former subject has been done to death (by Lynne Truss et al) and the latter would just take pedantry too far, and is too sad even for me.

So we have 'very unique' and 'slightly gutted' to start off my list of qualified absolutes (hereinafter QAs). But what of the other language faux pas I promised?

Tautology is use of a redundant word or phrase, such as either of the first two words in 'equally as good' and all but the first word in 'figment of the imagination'. I've heard (and subsequently used for comic effect) 'redundant tautology' which is a beautifully concise, self-referential, perfect example of the phenomenon, hence I will tag them herein with RT.

And confused homophones? Exercise bike users peddle furiously, yet remain stationery. (CH). Actually this one is really sad. I much prefer the two common errors I mentioned formally. I'll blog them hear when I here them.

Mefites very welcome to discuss here and on the blog comments page. Thanks for listening.
posted by magpie68 at 1:18 PM on October 1, 2007

Gold Medal Murder - The Blook
Exclusive first look at Cheryl Hagedorn's latest novel, Gold Medal Murder, about five senior citizens in their early sixties who play deadly games. It's a taut, terrifically written thriller and it's being released as a free "blook" (a book published via a blog) before going on sale. Regularly updated!
posted by PoopyDoop at 11:22 PM on October 2, 2007

Drive XV: A Tribute to R.E.M.'s Automatic for the People
OKX was so warmly received (here and here on MeFi) that we thought we'd do it again, but bigger and better. This time around, each track has its own comment thread, there's an embeddable/open-in-new-windowable mp3-playing widget, and the whole thing's available in one totally free, totally legal torrent. If the technical stuff doesn't do it for you, how about the artist list? The Wrens, Figurines, Dappled Cities, The Veils, Rogue Wave, Meat Puppets, Sara (of Tegan and Sara) with Kaki King, Catfish Haven, The Forms, Blitzen Trapper, Shout Out Louds, and Dr. Dog. B-sides to come include The Narrator, Jana Hunter, Oxford Collapse, Blanche, Frida Hyvönen, Bodies Of Water, Ferraby Lionheart, You Say Party! We Say Die!, and Elk City. Enjoy!
posted by paul_smatatoes at 11:21 PM on October 2, 2007

Fray Book: Busted Stories
Hey MeFites, have you been busted? Fray wants your stories and art! You may remember Fray from back in the day. Now it's coming back as a quarterly book series. And the first call for submissions is open now! Tell us: Have you ever been busted? Submit your true stories of getting caught in the act. Deadline: October 7.
posted by fraying at 8:53 AM on September 25, 2007

...lets you get podcasts on any cell phone. Nothing to install, no "dial 1 for..." menus, fun to use: SMS notifications of new shows contain dynamically-assigned phone numbers that take you right to the audio. It's great for news, sports, gossip - all that timely content that's useless by the time you sync your iPod. I'm the technical lead.
posted by nicwolff at 5:18 PM on September 21, 2007

The Majency Oracle
The Majency Oracle is a 169-card deck of original prompts or "matches" to spark the imagination of writers, poets, or any creative individual that needs inspiration. The deck is designed to be printed on any color printer, on standard 3x5 index cards.
posted by jbickers at 5:26 PM on September 9, 2007

DailyCaption - Taking Flickr photos out of context
DailyCaption is a new community that takes Flickr photos out of context through caption contests. Each night, a new Flickr photo is generated for members to contribute new captions and rate others. Great way to find out if you are as funny as you think you are.
posted by Hildago at 8:37 PM on September 6, 2007

The Black Hole - A Nuclear Salvage Wonderland
Every teenager dreams of working in a giant warehouse full of discarded nuclear test equipment, well used high-pressure vacuum fittings and an endless assortment of puzzling devices which may or may not have any value in the modern era. Ok, so maybe not every teenager has this dream, I was and still am somewhat of a strange person, but in High School in New Mexico, this particular dream of mine came true. Recently I went back to the Black Hole and created this HDR photo essay.
posted by eecue at 6:27 PM on September 4, 2007

White Glove Tracking visualization
Three video sketches based on the data from White Glove Tracking, the locate-Michael-Jackson's-white-glove-in-his-performance-of-Billie-Jean project that was previously seen on MeFi and MeTa. You can see the videos on YouTube or watch the 640x480 QuickTime movies with better quality. I've also linked to preview JPEG snapshots for a quick peek.
1. Slinky (YouTube) (45MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) highlights the fluidity of Jackson's movements.
2. Stretchy (YouTube) (45MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) brings to animated life the variety of glove sizes, positions, and contours.
3. Shapely (YouTube) (33MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) illustrates the prominence of another type of white glove in Jackson's life: the surgical glove.
posted by shortfuse at 9:24 AM on August 28, 2007

Blues Name Generator
Riffing on an old idea/joke that came up in Metatalk today, I've put together this little blues name generator. Because why should Leukemia Sweet Pepper Tyler have all the fun?
posted by cortex at 5:29 PM on August 28, 2007

sunburn: photosensitive
My photoblog/gallery of mostly nature photos. I'm a beginner photographer and only marginally more adept at web design, but I think I'm all kinds of clever for hitting on a presentation for my hobby that I'm happy with. Just wanted to share.
posted by cowbellemoo at 4:23 PM on September 1, 2007

Kitchener in Bloom 2007
Every year our city (in Ontario) holds a garden contest entitled Kitchener in Bloom. These 40 photographs are from the top six gardens this year, and are the result of eight photoshoots over the course of a week, and another week of post-processing. Artsy-fartsy flower pictures are certainly not for everyone, but I'm happy with how they came out.
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:30 AM on September 2, 2007

Growing Up Goddy
A group blog by expats of the Evangelical subculture. We're trying to dance a fine line between spleen-venting and constructive analysis, dissecting the world that we came from in a way that's valuable for anyone trying to understand it. Sometimes that's fellow 'recovering' Fundies, other times it's baffled opponents of political active religious conservatives.
posted by verb at 6:00 PM on September 2, 2007

Life's too short for games that suck
For years, I was a PC game only snob. In the last 2 years, I have transformed into a console game junkie. Problem is, I have the attention span of a crack addled gnat and I suck at video games. So, the primary rating criteria is not a 1 to 10 score. Instead it's an indication of just how long a game can keep my attention (and whether or not I'll ever play it again) before a wandering video game salesman distracts me with new shiny. Oh, and since I'm paying for all this crap, if I hate it, you can rest assured I'll be honest about being all pissed at having wasted my money. I get a perverse thrill out of really thrashing an awful game. The site's only been live a short time, and is still somewhat...beta-ish. I'm currently looking for feedback and considering the possibility of recruiting like minded game maniacs for submissions.
posted by jaded at 8:49 PM on September 2, 2007

Banned in China: A Collection of Chinese Propaganda
I had been creating scans of propaganda posters, when a friend suggested putting them online (and making them available). is the result of scouring markets across China looking for the best- like "Ballet Soldier" and, of course, plenty of giant Mao.
posted by gregrmay at 7:46 PM on September 3, 2007

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