mathowie's votes
Displaying vote 361 to 380 of 690

Automaton: the IEEE Robotics Blog
Several months ago IEEE Spectrum Online launched its brand new robotics blog, Automaton. It's fully up and running now with three contributors from diverse robotics backgrounds and more writers to come. For everyone from the weekend hobbyist to the laboratory researcher to the industry geek. We always welcome suggestions for content!
posted by olinerd at 1:11 PM on December 31, 2007

Project 365 (+1)
An attempt to take a photo every day in 2008.
posted by icarus at 9:10 AM on December 31, 2007

Craigslist Template Generator v0.1
So this is my intro project into PHP. Like the site says, it is very much beta right now. There are a few known issues, and depending on how much use it gets, I will be continuing it's development. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
posted by B(oYo)BIES at 9:10 AM on December 31, 2007

Beer ads from old newspapers
This is a flickr collection of over beer 250 ads (with many more forthcoming) from late 19th and early 20th century US newspapers, mined out of the Library of Congress's Chronicling America database. The ads range in tone from whimsical to festive, colonialist, patriotic (kind of), WTF and all points in between. I've found them to be fascinating, and hope you will too.
posted by cog_nate at 9:49 AM on December 21, 2007

Below The Clouds
Below the Clouds is a design, architecture and media blog out of Sweden. Sure it's in Swedish but it is still worth a visit due to the amount of images and links.
posted by slater at 6:31 AM on December 17, 2007 -- Online Local Artisans Markets
Earlier this year, I re-wrote the software behind my online farmers market and made it available for other markets to use. My own market in Athens, GA saw a surge in popularity as the stars aligned, and some local crafters approached me. They said that buying locally crafted items was just as important as buying locally grown food, and that physical "booths and tables" craft fairs weren't really all that different from farmers markets, and would they be able to use my software to start an online crafting market for Athens. Where Etsy is a ship anywhere market, this would be all local, order online, come pickup your order in one place sort of thing. So, a couple weeks ago, Athens Locally Crafted opened. They've had a great response, and the system is now in place for other markets to open up in communities everywhere.
posted by ewagoner at 8:43 AM on December 17, 2007

P/Virt Shared World Wiki
In a recent MetaTalk thread, the assembled MeFites decided, among other things, to take on a "shared world" fiction project, in which a bunch of people would contribute short stories set in a single, near-future, science-fiction world. The actual cat herding and possibly editing duties are being handled by robocop is bleeding, but I'm handling the world-building preliminaries. The upshot? The P/Virt Wiki is up and ready for editing. I've seeded it with my ideas for a world where certain people have the ability to enter Philosophical/Virtual Reality, a place where they can change their surroundings with their mind. For the next two weeks or so, interested people are invited to help flesh out the basics of the world. Once that's done, a bunch of MeFites will be writing stories set in this world. From there, who knows?
posted by L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg at 11:06 AM on December 17, 2007

Its Our Nation
7 days ago ericb posted a thread called the politics of posters. The posters in question were several large posters of events, slogans, and people from the current republican administration all set off in imposing black font. After looking through the posters I had two thoughts, one it would be cool to organize a bunch of links for these posters, and two there are 251 topics OMFG I CAN'T DO IT ALONE.

Enter its our nation. I built the site relying on the design put forth in the posters and set up a wiki section so that people could help me populate each link with info.

Registration is now open, and I would love any feedback or help tracking down links.
posted by sourbrew at 9:18 PM on December 16, 2007

Illuminated Teaser
Illuminated is a new webisodic animated series I am involved with.
Many artists from my site (and beyond) worked to bring this lush vision to life. Set in the not-too-distant future, planet Earth is being ravaged by rampant environmental change and collapsing economies, as widespread social movements triggered by online interaction are reshaping the face of world politics. Saturated by media, people have lost their ability to dream and plug into a sophisticated communication system each night called the DreamField, which gives them access to a virtual dream-state, networked with the rest of the world. Online, dreams have become just another kind of media, and a group of dreamstars have emerged as the culture's new celebrities. Coming from an established political family, Aya is one of the most popular dreamstars, and millions plug into her dreams every night to experience her adventures through a hyper-dimensional vide-game reality, live as they sleep. The series charts Aya's coming of age as she travels with her guru, Shen, on a transformational journey to visit the most spiritually charged places on Earth - re-connecting with the wisdom-keepers of the planet and re-learning the ancient spiritual traditions to evolve her consciousness and fight to restore humanity's ability to dream.
posted by podwarrior at 6:51 AM on December 13, 2007

A community site that lets you comment on other websites. Currently in it's early stages. It allows you to see the comments and the website in a split-view. This is done either through frames or a plug-in (IE now, FF coming soon). The site also uses a bit of AI to figure out what the most interesting topics are for the front page (as opposed to voting systems or editorial systems). I invite you all to go check it out, create an account, and look around. Any feedback or suggestions you may have are appreciated.
posted by jeffamaphone at 10:40 AM on December 12, 2007

Rent vs. Buy
HotPads launched the first "Buy vs. Rent" search engine to provide housing shoppers with the information required to make sound financial decisions when deciding whether it is the right time to buy or rent a home. Both For Sale and For Rent listings are displayed on a the same map. For Sale listings have a monthly cost associated with them that take mortgage payments including interest rate, down payment, and term length into account. As users adjust their pricing criteria on the map, homes for sale and rent appear and disappear respectively. This allows users to see exactly what properties they can afford to buy or rent.
posted by CAnneDC at 2:20 PM on December 10, 2007

Fray is Back!
Many MeFites will remember Fray from back in the day. From 1996-2005, it was a website devoted to true personal stories. It's been reborn as a printed quarterly book. The first issue Busted! True Stories of Getting Caught in the Act, will be published in January. You can read some of the stories now: Ugly in Norwalk by bank robber Joe Loya; Hobo Balls, about a wine tasting gone awry, by Eric Spitznagel; and Going Under, an interview with an undercover cop by Leah Peterson. Fray is community-suported, and they're open for subscriptions now.
posted by fraying at 8:55 PM on December 3, 2007

My credit card, the Brighter Planet Visa, launches today
In 2005 I developed a concept for a global warming credit card as a Middlebury College class project along with a fellow student and our professor. Couple of years later, we're launched, with Bank of America as our partner. Let me know what you think!
posted by rossmeissl at 2:00 PM on November 29, 2007

Dear Rockers - Paying Musicians Back $5 at a Time
Many of us own music that we didn't pay for. We don't feel guilty about shafting the record company, but what about the musicans themselves? Here's how it works:
1. Pick a musician
2. Write them a letter
3. Scan or photograph the letter and send it to us
4. Send off the letter
5. Enjoy your new, guilt-free life
posted by dbarefoot at 8:23 AM on November 14, 2007

Welcome Back Mefite script
A greasemonkey script to change the greeting shown at the top of mefi these days - defaults to GYOFB.
posted by jacalata at 7:58 AM on November 17, 2007

Nominate your 2007 Word of the Year.
The American Dialect Society's word-of-the-year vote—the longest-running such vote anywhere—takes place in Chicago in January at its annual meeting. The academic society is now accepting word-of-the-year nominations at Word of the Year is interpreted in its broader sense as "vocabulary item"—not just words but phrases. Your nominations do not have to be brand-new, but they should be newly prominent or notable in the past year, and should have appeared frequently in the national discourse. The word-of-the-year vote is not a formal induction of words into the American language, but a whimsical affair. Nominate accordingly.
posted by Mo Nickels at 10:14 AM on November 17, 2007

Letterpress-printed greeting cards made by my wife. Currently offers six holiday and new-year themed cards; can also do custom jobs.
posted by adamrice at 12:14 PM on November 12, 2007

One Day The Soldiers Came
My first book was just published and I have a website to go along with it, with it a blog. The book presents the stories of children affected by armed conflict and 60% of my royalties go to benefit the advocacy organization Refugees International . The book contains a lot of drawings made by children around the world in refugee camps, shanty towns, and demobilization and rehabilitation centers, and there are many more unpublished drawings I collected from kids in Africa, Asia, and the Balkans. These images and some background on them will be collected in a virtual gallery on the website, providing an unique perspective on the madness that is modern warfare.
posted by cal71 at 7:17 AM on October 25, 2007

Garbage Truck Costume
You know, for kids! A Flikr reader wrote asking for instructions on how to make this garbage truck costume. If anyone out there needs a last minute idea for their Department of Sanitation obsessed sprout, this might be a fun Halloween project. Enjoy!
posted by maryh at 1:48 PM on October 26, 2007

An analogue variation on a digital theme.
I done did make book!
posted by peacay at 11:46 PM on October 19, 2007

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