White Glove Tracking visualization
August 28, 2007 9:24 AM

White Glove Tracking visualization
Three video sketches based on the data from White Glove Tracking, the locate-Michael-Jackson's-white-glove-in-his-performance-of-Billie-Jean project that was previously seen on MeFi and MeTa. You can see the videos on YouTube or watch the 640x480 QuickTime movies with better quality. I've also linked to preview JPEG snapshots for a quick peek.
1. Slinky (YouTube) (45MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) highlights the fluidity of Jackson's movements.
2. Stretchy (YouTube) (45MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) brings to animated life the variety of glove sizes, positions, and contours.
3. Shapely (YouTube) (33MB QuickTime) (JPEG preview) illustrates the prominence of another type of white glove in Jackson's life: the surgical glove.
posted by shortfuse (0 comments total)

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