Life's too short for games that suck
September 2, 2007 8:49 PM

Life's too short for games that suck
For years, I was a PC game only snob. In the last 2 years, I have transformed into a console game junkie. Problem is, I have the attention span of a crack addled gnat and I suck at video games. So, the primary rating criteria is not a 1 to 10 score. Instead it's an indication of just how long a game can keep my attention (and whether or not I'll ever play it again) before a wandering video game salesman distracts me with new shiny. Oh, and since I'm paying for all this crap, if I hate it, you can rest assured I'll be honest about being all pissed at having wasted my money. I get a perverse thrill out of really thrashing an awful game. The site's only been live a short time, and is still somewhat...beta-ish. I'm currently looking for feedback and considering the possibility of recruiting like minded game maniacs for submissions.
posted by jaded (0 comments total)

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