7 posts tagged with science and blog.
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Student Digitalus - Critical Optimism Weblog
I research and read a great deal of texts on a consistent basis - here I share a collection of resources with thought provoking and or significant issues and news on a wide array of vital topics. Within the site are subsite-megaposts on a variety of topics. Largely posts without comment. Comments variously interspersed.
The Generalist Academy
This blog shares one interesting thing, every day. Recent topics have included Samoan independence, fake professors, and Renaissance fart jokes. Also on Facebook and Twitter.
Rosin Cerate
An intensely researched blog mostly about weird and esoteric characteristics of living things. Also lakes and video games.
Stories About Monkeys
I am spending the next 11 months in the rainforest in Cote d'Ivoire studying monkey behavior! I'll be telling (hopefully) exciting stories of monkey chasing, fecal sample collecting, snake spotting, and the challenges of integrating myself into a village on the Liberian-Ivorian border at The Great Blue Erin.
Links To The Damn Paper
Hello and welcome to Links to the Damn Paper, an open discussion community showcasing the best in freely-available biology research. If you’ve ever tried to have a discussion about science on the Web and been stymied and frustrated by inaccessible articles, misrepresentation of research in science journalism, or a community that seems uninterested in digging into the actual research behind a topic, then welcome: you are our people. If you’ve ever wished for a place to talk about the Science of Life where you could be sure that the actual articles were available, where compelling research was presented in a way that allowed it to speak for itself, and where you could discuss science with actual scientists and with other people who are passionate about science for its own sake, then you have found your haven. [more inside]
Scientific Side-Lights
I have a big honkin' encyclopedic book of science from 1902, and I blog one excerpt from it every day. [more inside]
Five minutes into the future
A Tumbleblog in which I scour the web for what seem to me to be transmissions from our very near future.