4 posts tagged with sanfrancisco.
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Adventures in San Francisco Gardening

Gardening in San Francisco can be difficult- the weather alone makes it an adventure. This is my attempt to chronicle my ongoing adventure in vegetables and herbs. [more inside]
posted by Homo neanderthalensis on Aug 15, 2018 - 6 comments

How Fucked Is Muni?

A web app to tell you how broken your favorite San Francisco MTA route is. Right now it's pretty simple, just pulling data from the NextMuni API when it's asked for a specific route, but I plan to revamp it this weekend to have it do periodic polling on each line so I can display stats on the front page. Other improvements in the works: get published schedules so the app will only show lines currently running, adjust the headway thresholds based on scheduled headway, collect stats for each line to rank the most broken lines in the system... got anything else I should do with this?
posted by spitefulcrow on Apr 5, 2011 - 1 comment

Unpresidents' Day

Presidents' Day is when Americans celebrate their most well-known presidents. On Unpresidents' day, we celebrate the lesser-known presidents. To do this, we portray them doing the opposite of what they did in real life. This movie is a documentary of the first-ever Unpresidents' Day celebration.
posted by Afroblanco on Feb 21, 2011 - 2 comments

The San Fran Plan

I'm working on a 3-month trip to San Francisco to explore gender, sexuality, love, and relationships via performance from the perspective of a female queer migrant minority. Here I'll be documenting the project, my progress towards it, and how people can support me. If you're in San Francisco give me a yell!
posted by divabat on Jan 29, 2011 - 0 comments

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