14 posts tagged with queer.
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I published a novel: The Ballad of the Grey Swan
My first novel. And I’m excited. [more inside]
A (Not So) Quick & Dirty Queer Reflection on Marie Kondo
Earlier this year, I wrote a raw liveblog-esque analysis of Marie Kondo's first book The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up from a queer perspective. It was edited by Tove (from the original Google Doc), but it took me months to finally publish their edits. Here is the updated and edited version!
Student Newspaper Queer Edition
Queer Honi: Cultural and Gender Marxxxism edition.
Every year, the editorial collective of the student newspaper of the University of Sydney cede their position five times, for the autonomous Honi Soit editions: Wom*n's, Queer, Indigenous, Ethnocultural (ACAR) and Disability.
I had the great privilege to be the primary editor for queer Honi this year. It's not something that I consider to be within my field of expertise, but I had a crack at it and people say it didn't turn out too badly. [more inside]
Portia Manson's Hippie Dick! in Dirty Looks Volume 4
I contributed an article to the new issue of queer film journal Dirty Looks on Portia Manson/Gene Barnes, who produced six issues of the erotic queer zine Hippie Dick! in the early 90s, made experimental films like Mercury Rising, and died at the age of 31 in 1995 from AIDS-related meningitis. He was the subject of the tribute song R.I.P. by Bikini Kill. (Gene had attended Evergreen College at the time of the nascence of the riot grrrl movement.) [more inside]
Reclaim Pride - Stonewall 50 Human Rights and Social Justice March
The Reclaim Pride Coalition (RPC) is a global group of organizations and individuals who are fighting to reclaim the NYC Pride March so that it better represents the LGBTQIATS+ community. Our 2019 March to Commemorate Stonewall's 50th Anniversary and World Pride will be a historic Human Rights and Social Justice march. Yesterday's press release provided key information about the movement and our vision for a 2019 march that lives up to the spirit of Stonewall. We are committed to embracing the strength and diversity of our community, as opposed to corporations, the police, or politicians. [more inside]
I’ve Been To A Marvelous Party
An excerpt from The Lavander Ledger, a manuscript in progress by John Leavitt about murder, gossip, and scandal in the gay underworld of 1940s Hollywood.
The X-Men Made Me Gay
An autobiographic comic for The Nib about how early exposure to the 90s X-Men cartoon and subsequent movie gave a confused gay teenager a metaphor to deal with it.
Reader on Revolutionary Feminism
I work with a group that just put together a second edition of a reader on Revolutionary Feminism. It includes a century of debates between communist, anarchism and radical feminists, extending from 1890 to 1983. Groups in 21 cities and four countries did study groups on the Revolutionary Feminism reader in the fall and winter of 2015. This collection is beautifully laid out, easy to share, and includes a lot of great material on lost traditions of queer and women's liberation movements. [more inside]
My Path To Trans Motherhood
"I’m still learning what my kind of motherhood would look like, since I live among institutions and ideologies that continue to question my existence." [more inside]
Talk or learn about asexuality 201!
So I mentioned this in the #womensMarch MeTa thread, but I am the vice-admin for a group blog called the Asexual Agenda whose purpose is to promote more higher-level discussion of asexuality, by asexuals. It also aims to provide a community center for asexuals who are interested in this discourse. [more inside]
Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots? Anthology
I have an essay in Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore's newly published anthology Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots?: Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform. Samuel R. Delaney had this to say about the book: "Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore's coruscating eye and clear head is what queers need if we are to survive as anything other than a tamed branch of consumer society, based on assimilation, repression, and despair. These essays come like a plunge into a forest pool of revitalizing joy, honesty, and common sense. Read them. Now. No—not tomorrow. Now!" [more inside]
Lez.org was launched this week in the aftermath of revelations surrounding Bill Graber/Paula Brooks of LezGetReal to address the burning question: Are there any real lesbian bloggers?? [more inside]
97 Things You Didn't Know About William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs would have been 97 on February 5. Here are 97 things you might not have known about the legendary cult figure.
LGBT etcetera
A blog that I started this year that deals with LGBT (+queer, questioning etc.) issues from a teen perspective. Topics have included the term, "queer", homophobia stemming from the bible, the "It Gets Better Project", and the new ALA award for lgbt youth literature. [more inside]