7 posts tagged with democracy.
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What Democracy Looks Like In... ITALY! (podcast episode)

Feeling depressed after the US presidential debate? Take comfort from a country that survived not only the original fascist dictatorship, but an even sleazier corrupt billionaire president, Silvio Berlusconi! The What Democracy Looks Like In... Podcast visits Italy to talk corruption, the public good, and doing democracy at the local scale. [more inside]
posted by EllaEm on Jun 28, 2024 - 0 comments

Learning How To Scream Again: Promoting Leftism for Artists and Writers

The culmination of a lot of conversation I've had with fellow artists, designers, and writers. How do we effectively sell Leftist ideology ? How did we get here? What does a new left art look like? What should it's goals be? What's the best way to achieve them?
posted by The Whelk on Feb 9, 2017 - 0 comments


ContactDemocracy is a website that's designed to make it even easier to contact your elected officials about issues that matter to you. Just select your location, and ContactDemocracy will generate contact information for all your elected officials, and offer to add it to your device's contacts app. Then, whenever you want to contact them, just tap/click on the contact in your device's contacts app! [more inside]
posted by Salvor Hardin on Feb 5, 2017 - 2 comments

What Now?

Website to gather and disseminate ideas on ways to fight back against bigotry, hate, ignorance and harmful policies in the wake of the 2016 election. Intended to connect people with helpful ways to direct their energy, time and money in support of a brighter future for everyone. [more inside]
posted by gemmy on Nov 17, 2016 - 3 comments


If voting was easier, more people would do it. That's the theory behind TurboVote, the Netflix for voting. According to a New Organizing Institute study, 1.9 million people didn't vote in 2008 because they couldn't find their polling place. Wouldn't it be great if you could vote from home? You can. [more inside]
posted by paulschreiber on Nov 1, 2010 - 0 comments

American Worker Cooperative

A collection of essays, articles, videos, and links on worker cooperatives in (and around) the United States. The library section was inspired by a mefi comment in a thread on the benefits of cooperatives a while back: i'd believe it, but i need scholarly references. got any? The map section seems to be the most popular so far.
posted by ioesf on Oct 25, 2010 - 2 comments

Winnipeg Election 2010 - Know Your Candidates!

WinnipegElection.ca is a citizen driven website we created for the upcoming October 2010 civic election in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The site lists all the candidates by ward along with their contact info, websites, social media details, and related news articles. [more inside]
posted by stungeye on Aug 12, 2010 - 0 comments

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