14 posts tagged with books and literature.
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The 100 Day Writing Challenge

A couple of years ago I made a free 8-week writing course in podcast form. Starting from Jan 1st I'm releasing a new, bigger version called The 100 Day Writing Challenge. [more inside]
posted by RokkitNite on Jan 5, 2020 - 6 comments

Tom Clancy and the Dubious Comfort of Boomer Dads

This is a longish (~4,000 words) essay about why people still go back to Tom Clancy's books, how they're both toxic and really relevant to American life in 2019, and how Clancy wrote the purest distillation of the World of the Boomer Dads. I swear it's also a lot more fun to read than this makes it sound.
posted by COBRA! on Aug 28, 2019 - 0 comments

A Random Walk Through The Library of Congress: LOC Serendipity

The Library of Congress contains vast troves of digital resources. LOC Serendipity is a website that simulates the experience of exploring a library and skimming eye-catching or interesting titles. From books like, "Dainty dishes for slender incomes," which contains a delicious recipe for beignets, to the oddball early-1800's "Memoirs of the notorious Stephen Burroughs of New Hampshire" to "The forgotten book," published in 2018, this tool enables serendipitous and deeply engaging discovery every day. [more inside]
posted by metasunday on Mar 10, 2019 - 3 comments

An Escape

An Escape is a short illustrated dystopian fiction story, told obliquely through a series of 15 interconnected (mostly) single-page vignettes.
posted by dng on Oct 5, 2018 - 0 comments

The Couch to 80k Writing Boot Camp

I made a free 8-week fiction writing course in podcast form. [more inside]
posted by RokkitNite on Feb 2, 2018 - 5 comments

Liberty Tales

2015 marked the 800th anniversary of the first Magna Carta, and Liberty Tales is a collection of stories and poems that take a wide-ranging collection of responses to the issues of liberty, both personal and legal. Some of these 25 tales relate to specific clauses of the original document, while others are more concerned with how we experience and search after freedom in the 21st century. [more inside]
posted by dng on Nov 13, 2016 - 0 comments

The Unhappy Bride and other tales

An unhappy bride weeps beneath the moon on her wedding night. A priest who should know better leaves the safety of his church to follow a cat out into the city and see where it is it goes. A lonely girl sits at her window and wishes, just once, to go to the ball. And is that the devil on the road, waiting for you as you make your way home… The Unhappy Bride and other tales is a collection of contemporary fairy tales, in which you'll find Queens and Kings, wolves and cats, the devil himself, even the stars made flesh. You’ll find love here, too, so much love. And with it always sadness. [more inside]
posted by dng on Dec 5, 2015 - 2 comments

Litblog Roundup

What's happening at the intersection of literary culture and the internet? I've started a new bi-weekly blog series intended to address that topic and more. It's called "Litblog Roundup." [more inside]
posted by dylan_k on Jan 5, 2015 - 0 comments

Art prints for book lovers

My company Postertext designs art prints for book lovers made entirely out of text. There are no lines, no edges anywhere on the art print. The illustration is made purely out of words. [more inside]
posted by postertext on Dec 20, 2013 - 3 comments

Concordance Poems

Recently, I've been using concordances of poems in my teaching and presenting, and have been surprised at the new poems that emerge from the rearranged works. I started a single-topic tumblr to document some of my favorites. [more inside]
posted by activitystory on Apr 30, 2013 - 4 comments

Public Books

A curated monthly review devoted to spirited debate about books and the arts, created by and for a transnational community of writers, artists, and activists. Inaugural contributors include Tobias Kelly, Bruce Robbins, Lawrence Weschler (interviewing Errol Morris), Laura Norén, David Henkin, Adam Morris, and Sharon Marcus. Brought to you by the editors of Public Culture and NYU's Institute for Public Knowledge. [more inside]
posted by interrupt on Jun 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Book Boroughing, An NYC Literary Event Calendar

Book Boroughing features an NYC literary event calendar, a blog with reading recaps and interviews with event coordinators and authors, and a soon to be launched podcast covering readings in New York City.
posted by kickerofelves on Jan 23, 2012 - 1 comment

Heroine Love

No, not that kind of heroine. 12 amazing book bloggers join me throughout February to celebrate their favorite literary heroines. Along the way, conversation is sparked and plenty of prizes are won. [more inside]
posted by mynameisluka on Feb 1, 2011 - 0 comments

Wordnerdy (a book blog)

I have a blog to keep track of all the books I read. I'm trying to read 300 books in 2010! [more inside]
posted by leesh on Jun 4, 2010 - 5 comments

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