4 posts tagged with artwork and art.
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Newly developed art media (clay, textural mediums) demo videos!

I am an artist collaborating with a chemistry professor to create new polymer media for artists. I just finished two demo videos that highlight the unique properties and versatility of the media we've developed. The first is also linked in the title and covers the clay and the second covers the textural mediums.
posted by vegartanipla on Dec 19, 2012 - 0 comments

Ecological artwork

I make artwork about the natural world; my most recent involves watercolor drawings of anole lizards and interactive live plant pedestals. I also have series of roadkill and dodo oil pastel drawings. As a bonus, I uploaded videos of students poking at the plants in the interactive pieces and saying things like, "I think we should light them on fire." And then doing so.
posted by vegartanipla on Sep 11, 2012 - 2 comments

End Piece: the last artwork of great artists

This is an online effort to catalog the last artworks made by artists before they die.
posted by Jason and Laszlo on Apr 16, 2012 - 1 comment

Object Poems and Toy Boxes

I've always been fascinated by objects that have journeyed through time and the scars, patinas and even energies they appear to have acquired. At first I started collecting them, and then, as I would notice certain juxtapositions, I started combining them into assemblage artworks. I recently got my first art show of these artworks, and I'm proud to show them off here! (and now you can see where my nickname, extrabox comes from!)
posted by extrabox on Feb 7, 2011 - 6 comments

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