57 posts tagged with animation.
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Whale Story
A fisherman experiences a moment of connection with a female humpback whale in the waters off of San Francisco. Is this an example of inter-species communication or a mysterious fluke? This true story, originally reported by RadioLab is retold in paint on a 16 foot high wall with the help of the passing public in Seattle's Cal Anderson Park.
Your Face is a Saxophone - Episode 2
Episode 2 of Your Face is a Saxophone — an independent, non-commercial, fan-supported animated series about the advertising industry and people with inanimate objects for heads — is now online. [more inside]
Scoobert and Barb's Inconsequential Adventures
The first in an ongoing series of cartoons I have animated on the Nintendo DS Lite. The cartoon follows hapless Baltimore residents, Scoobert and Barb, and features original music, art and story. I hope you enjoy it, it was quite fun to make. [more inside]
The Weather Wheel
A slowly rotating circular graphic reveals relative weather data for 50 cities across the globe. Cities are organized according to highest average annual temperature, and precipitation levels animate month to month. Mostly just eye candy, I suppose.
Your Face is a Saxophone - a free animated comedy series
It's Super Bowl Sunday! What better day to make fun of advertising? Your Face is a Saxophone is an animated comedy series about the advertising industry, and the people who work in it because they couldn't find a job in what they actually went to art school for. Also, everyone has inanimate objects instead of heads for some reason. [more inside]
Animted Video for Rotate the Completor #6
Video I made for track #6 of Rotate and the Completors: The Completed Rotations of... 5:32, paper/collage animation. [more inside]
Crash! Bang! Wallow!
Retired stuntman Larry LeTan looks back over a life of rolling with the punches and falling through plate glass. A short film narrated by David Soul of Starsky & Hutch fame, directed by Jon Dunleavy and written by Luke Wright & myself. [more inside]
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