3 posts tagged with RetroComputing.
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arcc, the Apocalypse Recovery Computing Cluster
Multiuser web-based emulation of a fictional late-’70s computer system created by shadowy technologists who were convinced it could help Britain rise again after nuclear war. Features 3D vector graphics, videos, apps, games, messaging and secrets to discover. [more inside]
Incredible Doom: Eternal September
A new comic series we're launching today in the Incredible Doom universe (that Metafilter has been so kind to!), Eternal September is an intimate, harrowing series about teenagers navigating the wild, dangerous days of the early web. You can read Issue 1 free online today, and you'll be able to read the entire series for free as it's posted to followers. No ads, no trackers, no middlemen, we're going back to our roots on the open web. [more inside]
30th Anniversary Macintosh
Rather than let an old Mac SE with dead drives go to waste, I built a new ARM motherboard running Linux for it that reuses the classic 9" 512x342 monochrome monitor and power-supply. Luckily many X11 applications still support 1-bit visuals, so it is fairly usable with modern programs, although the low-resolution makes me wonder how we used to work with such minuscule displays. [more inside]