Reading Project 2025 online
July 29, 2024 11:13 PM   Subscribe

Reading Project 2025 online
I started an open, online reading of Project 2025, that major conservative manifesto and playbook aimed at a second Trump administration.

Each week I post to my blog about the next part of the document, roughly 100 pages' worth. That post includes a summary, some reflections, discussion questions, and pointers to resources. People can then respond in comments, in social media, through their own domains, or in content published elsewhere (for example); they can also reach out to me privately. People can find all posted content listed here. (This works along the template of my long-running future of education online book club.)

I'm not doing this as a political activist, but as a futurist, hoping to help my community - academia - prepare for one way the next four years might go. My aim is to share information about an important document while also hosting discussion concerning it.

Here's a post with more information, including our schedule, which takes us into mid-late September.

As of today we're in our second week.
Role: Creator and facilitator
posted by doctornemo (2 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

Valuable and essential.
We do a lot of reading on P2025 in this NZ household, as if the worst should happen this will negatively impact the whole planet.

Some helpful warning here for us as it looks like we are one the test beds for this vile doctrine. Uganda is another.

Interesting re privatising parts of DoD.

Additionally our new government is a smaller early warning for Americans; our PM is a Seven Mountains Dominionist, and one of the Deputy PM's is an Atlas Network man, much of Cabinet are various fundie nasty flavours.
posted by unearthed at 3:34 AM on July 30, 2024 [1 favorite]

Fwoooo. Thank you for doing this, and for sharing it.
posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 10:47 PM on August 26, 2024 [1 favorite]

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