July 29, 2024 12:40 AM   Subscribe

iOS app for WFDF Rules of Ultimate (frisbee).

I made it to scratch my own itch, which is that per 1.3.1. "[Players must] know the rules" — I wanted a way to quickly look something up that didn't rely on German internet access or PDFs on mobile. Includes hand signals, pull diagrams, appendix, definitions and annotations.

Currently in Deutsch & English. (Falls eine deutsche Wortlaut holprig ist, gib mir bitte Bescheid. Ich kann Deutsch, aber nicht flüssig.) Android version coming soon.

The name comes from the sport's unique Spirit of the Game:
1.1. Ultimate is a non-contact, self-officiated sport. All players are responsible for administering and adhering to the rules. Ultimate relies upon a Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player.
Role: developer
posted by daveliepmann (0 comments total)

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