25 examples of Hackney & Islington’s BLM street art
August 27, 2020 1:08 PM   Subscribe

25 examples of Hackney & Islington’s BLM street art
Ever since Minneapolis police killed George Floyd on May 25, I’ve been photographing examples of Black Lives Matter street art in my corner of northeast London. The 25 examples I’ve collaged together here – window signs, posters, graffiti – were found within a hour’s walk of my home, mostly in either Hackney or Islington. A lot of the work included has already been scrubbed away, so I’m glad I documented it while I had the chance.

Previously: My pics of Covid-19 street art from the same neighbourhoods.
Role: photographer/collagist/flaneur
posted by Paul Slade (3 comments total)

Thanks for this from across the pond--the feeling of solidarity I get from looking at these photos just made me well up. May we maintain a sense of power and connection across distance and through progress.
posted by youarenothere at 4:27 PM on August 28, 2020

That's an immensely heartening response, youarenotthere, and very much the feeling I was hoping this post might contribute towards. I wish I had some way to pass your comment on to all the people who made the work I've photographed here, as I'm sure they'd feel the same way.
posted by Paul Slade at 2:57 AM on September 3, 2020

I've continued to keep an eye out for BLM street art on my daily walks, but was starting to think there was no more to find within range of my house. Then I stumbled across this one short North London street (SLTwitter).
posted by Paul Slade at 5:39 AM on September 10, 2020

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