Arigato: A minimal, unopinionated toolkit for scripting with AudioUnits
June 2, 2020 5:41 PM   Subscribe

Arigato: A minimal, unopinionated toolkit for scripting with AudioUnits
I have written a lightweight system for making it convenient to play AudioUnit software instruments in code on macOS. Arigato consists of a tool, ARigEditor, for creating networks of pre-prepared AudioUnits (which I call ARigs, hence the name), tagged with names, and a library for loading these and doing things with them in Swift, typically in Xcode Playgrounds. Oh, and ARigEditor will also generate Playgrounds containing your AudioUnits and the necessary support code.

There is a demo video here (5m30s, hosted on Google Drive). A precompiled binary of ARigEditor may be found here.
Role: programmer
posted by acb (3 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

There's a Previously for this, in the form of Plink, an attempt at a hybrid DAW/IDE. Plink ended up on the backburner. as it was a bit too ambitious for a one-person side project, though parts of it influenced Arigato.
posted by acb at 5:24 AM on June 3, 2020

acb, I totally don't understand how this works even though it intersects with many of my interests, but I do understand that it is really cool and I am highly appreciative that it exists. So, thank you.
posted by prismatic7 at 7:08 AM on June 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

A new point release (0.9.1) is now out; it adds a few features to the editor (a search field to the component menu, MIDI input from external controllers for previewing instruments, and more elegant example code in generated Playgrounds).
posted by acb at 3:46 PM on June 8, 2020

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