The Sleeping Robot
June 14, 2011 7:54 AM   Subscribe

The Sleeping Robot
An attempt at a short film version of a story I wrote for a class on Critical Perspectives in Children's Literature.

I have just completed a Master’s degree in Elementary Education and for one of my classes we wrote alternative versions of fairy tales endeavoring to reflect different perspectives and values within the context of familiar stories. I enjoyed writing and illustrating my story (a version of Sleeping Beauty) and over spring break (when I really should have been completing schoolwork or job applications) I decided to see if I could make a Claymation video with no film experience and limited equipment. I enjoyed making the video (although it was frustrating as my actors kept falling over) and wanted to share it with people other than my close friends and family to see if it resonated with anyone and to get some feedback. Although it is very amateurish (because, um, I am an amateur) I think that it develops and improves as it continues (I completed the scenes in order so that I could see how my technique, such as it was, developed). I have been tossing around the idea of working on a second film reinterpreting Rapunzel called The Lonely Enchantress.

If anyone is interested I’m happy to provide a lengthy analysis of why I made the changes I did and what I hoped to accomplish through them (and my regrets e.g. if you’re going to make a Claymation video where the first half is basically just people hugging don’t make one of your main characters yellow) but I would imagine the video is sufficient for now. Thank you so much for any feedback/suggestions you’d be willing to give!
Role: Writer, Director, Narrator, Moving Stuff Around Guy, Editor
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl (0 comments total)

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