Take My Heart project
February 8, 2011 7:50 AM   Subscribe

Take My Heart project
Last year for Valentine's Day I put up posters around my town with just a picture of a heart, and little tags to pull off, with little hearts. This year I have created a website and I hope you will join the project. There is a poster to download and a gallery to upload pictures and comments.
posted by bitslayer (2 comments total)

Reminds me of the Valentine Phantom in Montpelier, VT.

Not to sound too cynical, but who cleans these up afterward? My problem with the Valentine Phantom is that the hearts end up all over town in the streets and in the river. Do you have a plan to reclaim/recycle the paper?
posted by terrapin at 3:06 PM on February 8, 2011

Terrapin, I guess that once again proves that there is no truly original idea. In Asheville the city removes posters on a regular schedule, and there are a number of official kiosks just for that purpose which regularly get filled, stripped, and refilled. I can't speak for any other place that the posters could end up, of course. I have only printed 2 dozen myself. I suppose it could get out of hand if thousands of people did the same. By all means, lets clean up afterwards.
posted by bitslayer at 6:46 PM on February 8, 2011

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