5 posts tagged with Space and humor.
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Male Tears: A collage comic book about thwarted privilege
A cursed relic of our revolting age, Male Tears remixes vintage comic book imagery into a verbo-visual slurry for your shame or amusement: forty pages of thwarted privilege, humiliating failure and unchecked emotions exploding into weeping and/or violence. [more inside]
Nebula One, a cartoon set in space
I've created a fun and hopefully good-looking new animated series set in space. There are three short episodes, and they're all in one video. Later episodes — assuming I'll have the time and inclination to keep going — will reveal that the mission for these astronauts is establishing a sports franchise in space, for television. But for now, dodging space rocks and worrying about avatars takes up most of their time. Enjoy! [more inside]
Pokémon in Space, Pokémon in the NYPL
It's a pair of Twitter bots: Pokémon in the NYPL, which sends Pokémon into the depths of the New York Public Library Digital Collections, and Pokémon in Space!, which uses the Astronomy Picture of the Day as a guide for Pokémon space exploration. [more inside]
Twitter-based Pluto "Facts"
In commemoration of the impending flyby of Pluto by the New Horizons mission, I have created a twitter account, inspired by other such "fact" oriented accounts as @CatTipps, @FactsAboutEggs. Will publish a fact or two about Pluto every day up through the NASA flyby, or as long as the inspiration lasts.
I made a WWII Shoot 'em Up for Android
A friend and I decided we wanted to get some Android development under our belt. What better way than to make a retro-themed videogame that harkened back to one of the favorites from my youth? Droidius: 1945 is a short, vertical shooter with old-school graphics and a kickin' rad soundtrack to match. Only a daring ace with skills to match can defeat Hitler and the Nazi Menace. Will you deliver victory? Or defeat? It's at your skillful fingertips!