Iterations: concepting cards for product designers
December 20, 2011 8:32 PM   Subscribe

Iterations: concepting cards for product designers
A creative aid for product designers during the concept sketching process. Drawing a card and then sketching the result can lead iterative sketching down new and innovative paths not normally reached through standard concept drawing.

Okay, I admit it. I really like creative methodologies. Some people geek out over typography, bezier curves, a fast bowl, Firefly. I like how ideas are developed from something half-grasped like a fleeting dream, through to a fully fledged thing. I like the techniques of exploring an idea and making it into something bigger than it was.

Anyway, I have been aware of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies for quite some time. Then there’s Jeff Noon’s Cobralingus Engine. And IDEO’s Method Cards. Lots of different ways of getting your brain to think in different ways.

So I thought I’d try and have a go at creating my own. I liked how all the other cards worked, but I wanted something that was specific for product designers. Something that could help them sketch out new ideas and come up with innovative concepts.
Role: Designer
posted by gonzo_ID (2 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Also into ideation and think this is very nice. Reminded me to dust off my my Creative Whack Pack by Roger Von Oech.

You know what I think is missing? A context sensitive device that fuses tips with sound, smell and touch.
posted by Foci for Analysis at 10:35 AM on December 21, 2011 [1 favorite]

Now that would be something miraculous. :)
I'll check out the CWP cards, they look good.
posted by gonzo_ID at 10:06 AM on January 21, 2012

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