7 posts tagged with inspiration.
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10 Life Tips from Henry the Dog
"Maybe Henry’s neurocapacity didn’t allow him to dwell on the negative because, well, dog brain. But we can choose how to expend our mental energy—why waste it on something that upsets us?" [more inside]
Solo - An app for sharing loneliness and aloneness
Solo is a mobile web app and ongoing community project where people can share their thoughts and experiences alone. My hope is that by sharing this experience we’ll feel a sense of connection when we’re alone, and find more acceptance of ourselves and our aloneness. [more inside]
Disabled Brony Dad PResenting at Bronycon Needs Your Stories
"Coping With Disabilities Through Pony" is panel set to premier at the largest Brony convention in the United States, BronyCon. The mission of the panel is "...to share how the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its fans have helped to improve the lives of individuals with special needs." It is being organized by a father with a visual disability. [more inside]
The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever
The newly-launched NPR Ed team recently sifted through hundreds and hundreds of commencement speeches going back to 1774, and picked more than 300 of our favorites, for your inspiration-finding pleasure. [more inside]
NaNoWriMo Doom Clock
I made this for myself when flirting with the prospect of writing last autumn, but I felt compelled to clean it up and share it with the world for this year's contest. Starting November 1, it's going to start counting up from zero to 50,000, which will be reached at midnight on the 1st of December. It was designed as a tool to inspire, but I think the actual effect might be more troubling. I guess that depends whether you're on pace or behind.
Iterations: concepting cards for product designers
A creative aid for product designers during the concept sketching process. Drawing a card and then sketching the result can lead iterative sketching down new and innovative paths not normally reached through standard concept drawing. [more inside]
ecommr, e-commerce design & interface element gallery
I am a developer in the e-commerce world and I often found myself looking for design patterns of common interface elements on e-commerce stores. I had screenshots of add to cart buttons, color/size pickers, and checkout forms but I had no where to share them. I built this gallery site to share individual elements that I think are inspirational or worthy of reference and I hope it can be a useful resource to other designers, developers, and information architects. [more inside]