wendell's votes
Displaying vote 81 to 100 of 112

Rain Shadow People
"IRFH blogs the ghosts of the nouveau tubular age." (Whatever that means.) Mostly, it means I've started blogging. Primarily geek-style humor, at the moment. But it could change. I could start bloggin' cats & recipes any damn minute now. (Knowing me, though, I'd be more likely to start blogging cat recipes. Declawed cat recipes. Mmmm...)
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 9:12 AM on December 12, 2006

Who Wrote This (MetaFilter) Comment?
NavelgazingFilter: Inspired by this thread, I've made this exciting MeFi-powered game. Given a comment, can you name who wrote it?
posted by Plutor at 4:13 PM on November 30, 2006

Metafilter Compilation Album released!
With Matt's blessing, I'm pleased to announce the official, discs-are-in-the-mail, order-yours-today release of the Metafilter Compilation Album—a collection of original tracks by 24 different mefite music acts, put together over seven or so months, with all profits going to charity. We've got about 800 more of these discs, and there's not much time until Christmas/Hannukah/HappyGiftDay.
posted by cortex at 10:22 AM on November 28, 2006

radio free #mofirc
This is a small online radio station created by #mofirc (the IRC channel loosely associated with Monkeyfilter; some of us are dual MeFi/MoFi members). We maintain 24/7 uptime and play something for everyone: our DJs broadcast whatever they like! This is our broadcast schedule (we do not fill all the slots in advance, sometimes we broadcast on the fly with whoever is currently available in channel); and you can read more about our station on the MoFi wiki. (We were inspired by Radio MeCha a while back, so, props!)
posted by Melinika at 8:58 AM on October 20, 2006

Viral Video Chart
We couldn't find anything that quite hit the nail on the head, so we built this, a daily chart of the most blogged about videos on YouTube, Google Video and MySpace. It's completely automated and counts both links and video embeds on several million blogs a day. There's also an archive of previous number ones. If you think it's any good, please vote for it on digg or reddit, too.
posted by scottjamesbutton at 1:01 PM on September 14, 2006

I am not a terrorist: The Shirt
I offer this shirt as my response to the ridiculousness of the hysteria. All the shirts are set to $1.00 more than the Spreadshirt base price — all profits will be sent to the ACLU.
posted by o2b at 11:08 PM on August 25, 2006

Say Goodbye to Carrying Around 8+ Different Discount Cards - Put Them All Onto One Card
Just type in the barcode number for each of your club card/disount cards and get a printable card with up to 8 labeled barcodes on it for your shopping convenience.
posted by GregX3 at 9:31 PM on August 12, 2006

Looking for a better alternative to Yahoo Groups? We've built this thing that squishes together the ideas of mailing lists, forums and wikis into a single knitted-together space and then automatically tags everything.
posted by kerplunk at 9:18 PM on August 9, 2006

Deleted Thread
a collection point for deleted threads from the front page of Metafilter.
posted by bigmusic at 4:06 AM on July 28, 2006

Click survey
I want to find out where people click on on this sample painting. Try it out, your click will be saved, and you'll be able to see the patterns that emerged from other clicks so far. The more people click, the better the results, I imagine.
posted by philipp at 12:01 PM on July 14, 2006

My site is a health news blog for people who aren't health nuts, but that are interested. It's also my first crack at web hosting/blogging/using ftp/wordpress etc. I'm basically teaching myself to be a webmaster and I'm starting a topical news blog to do it. I've gotten good response from my friends and family, but I want the opinion of people I don't know, that don't know me. I'm also hoping this will get me some regular users, etc...
posted by wmeredith at 9:46 PM on July 6, 2006

Weight Loss Motivation Blog
I created this weight loss motivation blog based on my own experience. We all know that instant gratification can lead to food cravings. My motivational technique is to use instant gratification of weight loss as the motivator. All comments and feedbacks are welcome! Thanks!
posted by TurkeyWalk at 2:22 PM on July 7, 2006

HTML.net - Learn HTML and CSS
The aim of the new website is to provide an easy, thorough and factual introduction to HTML and CSS. On HTML.net anyone should be able to learn to build a website.
posted by AndreasA at 1:42 PM on July 5, 2006

24-Hour International Blogathon
After a two-year hiatus, I'm finally back at the helm of the Blogathon. When we began in 2001, we found ourselves constantly explaining what exactly it was that we did. Now there are blogathons everywhere. The concept is simple: choose a charity, collect sponsorships, and on July 29, beginning at 6am Pacific, update your blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours. Signups opened today. The site is all-new, and we'll be adding more snazzy features as the date draws closer. Stay up late, make a difference.
posted by frykitty at 3:16 PM on July 2, 2006

My Juggling Music Video Entry - Fatboy Slim Video Contest
Vova Galchenko is one of the world's greatest living jugglers. I teamed up with him over the last month to create an entry in Fatboy Slim's latest music video contest. Please comment, rate and share this video.
posted by MarkBakalor at 10:14 PM on June 12, 2006

Beating Bush
This is the first volume of my book about the 2004 election. It's not a book about George Bush (and it's even less about John Kerry). In fact, Beating Bush is not really about politics. Rather, it's about the experience 'on the ground' -- about regular people trying to save the world -- in stories of comedy, tragedy, and at least one romance. A synopsis is here.

The book reads like a novel, and it also lays out an argument concerning the kind of campaigns I was working on: corporatized, centralized, subcontracted 'grassroots' operations. My employer was Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. If you live in a major metropolitan area or a swing state, we probably approached you at least once-- though you wouldn't know it, as we were operating under the names of the Democratic National Committee and MoveOn PAC.

Beating Bush takes time to make its argument -- but in the next two weeks I'll be laying it out face-first (de-literarifed) in a series of blog posts. [Spoiler alert!] Head there if you'd like to find out more about the subject -- or, even better, if you've participated in such a campaign and can share your experience. (And if you know what a PIRG is, or what 'the Fund' is, you might be especially interested in this.)
posted by greggish at 12:04 PM on May 25, 2006

Socially filtered funny links site
I'm working on a social filtering site that's exclusively devoted to humor. We're currently relying on manual submissions from a handful of people and we'd love some more contributors. We're also working hard on tools to automate submissions from blogs and to spider the web for funny content and will shortly have a widget that let's you display what's made you laugh recently. Please take a look and tell us what you think and what we could do better!
posted by scottjamesbutton at 7:55 AM on May 24, 2006

My Apple-meets-The-Da-Vinci-Code Satire
It’s only the one page, and is intended to be a light-hearted take on the incredible loyalty that Apple products inspire. In retrospect, I probably should have gone with www.AppleDei.com, but that occurred to me about two hours too late.
posted by dbarefoot at 10:17 AM on May 24, 2006

Best Week Ever
This is what I've been working on for the last five months...we quietly launched in late April. Yes, I work for media megagiant Viacom...there's no use denying it. But the reason I'm posting is because we get to be the skunkworks, and I want to prove to MTVN & Viacom that you can use open-source software, free, DRM-less video (full episodes of the show in the podcast feed!) and massive linkiness to be a success online. I mean, the fights I had to wage- explaining why one would link to non-Viacom sites, for example, or how it is one might want to change one's site post-launch- basically ate my life in '06. You have no idea how hard it is to explain our version of Digg to lawyers. Now I ask you: what else can I do? In other words, if you had a budget and an international media conglomerate's attention, what would be your next move?
posted by paul_smatatoes at 8:54 PM on May 17, 2006

El Boton
"An inch of love for everyone." Limited edition sets of 1" buttons. We're offering one set a month, each with a different theme or designer.

The first set was icons for each of Chicago's train lines. Set #2 is by well-known web designers. The sets come packaged with a series card and an El Boton logo button, which itself is being produced in batches, each batch with a different color combo. Fun little things to decorate your jacket or laptop bag!
posted by me3dia at 10:51 AM on May 16, 2006

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