Rain Shadow People
December 12, 2006 9:12 AM
Rain Shadow People
"IRFH blogs the ghosts of the nouveau tubular age." (Whatever that means.) Mostly, it means I've started blogging. Primarily geek-style humor, at the moment. But it could change. I could start bloggin' cats & recipes any damn minute now. (Knowing me, though, I'd be more likely to start blogging cat recipes. Declawed cat recipes. Mmmm...)
"IRFH blogs the ghosts of the nouveau tubular age." (Whatever that means.) Mostly, it means I've started blogging. Primarily geek-style humor, at the moment. But it could change. I could start bloggin' cats & recipes any damn minute now. (Knowing me, though, I'd be more likely to start blogging cat recipes. Declawed cat recipes. Mmmm...)
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