7 posts tagged with woodworking.
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Accurate reproduction of an ancient Egyptian chair from the 18th Dynasty

As part of a personal project to gain greater understanding of ancient Egyptian joinery techniques, I've made a replica of an Egyptian chair on display in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. [more inside]
posted by brachiopod on Jan 5, 2023 - 10 comments

Making a watermelon chair from green wood

I started making colourful stools for kids a couple of years ago in my spare time. Recently I was part of a project to film the process, and this is the result :). The link above goes to a short little teaser and some still photos, or you can go here for the whole video. [more inside]
posted by twirlypen on Jul 8, 2022 - 7 comments

Copying a mid-century stool….mid-14th century BCE

There's a Theban lattice stool in the British Museum that I find to be shockingly modern looking. The construction looks so light and minimal that I decided to build an accurate replica for myself and see how it well it stands up to daily use. This blog documents that build but also tries to explain some of the procedures and reasoning of the ancient Egyptian craftspeople who developed the design - from the point of view of a hobbyist woodworker in pandemic era Toronto 3500 years later.
posted by brachiopod on Sep 22, 2021 - 16 comments

Painted pine linen press

A personal furniture project that kept my sanity during the COVID lockdowns. I'm in an apartment, with several sheets of thick rubber and isolation pads under my work bench. I only use hand tools, I avoid any sort of mallet work and limit my work hours to the noisier parts of my neighbourhood's day. I received no complaints but it made for slow progress - picture a man quietly tunnelling his way out of prison. [more inside]
posted by bonobothegreat on Mar 22, 2021 - 12 comments

Restoring 100- to 200-year-old woodworking planes

For the last year I've been taking wooden woodworking planes from the 1800s and early 1900s and getting them back in working condition. [more inside]
posted by not_the_water on Apr 10, 2020 - 4 comments

A Nintendo Switch-powered Pinball Machine

Inspired by my long-held desire to build a virtual pinball cabinet and the quality of the Pinball FX3 port on Switch (not to mention its support for vertical play), I spent the past few weeks building this fully functional Switch-powered pinball cabinet. [more inside]
posted by Kybard on Sep 17, 2019 - 0 comments

I made a Blockchain

Cryptocurrency is our future, there's no doubt about it. So I set out to make my own Blockchain, which required mining some coin, which I call JimCoin™. Some smart people invested early and before long the chain was growing. [more inside]
posted by bondcliff on Jan 20, 2018 - 18 comments

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