3 posts tagged with ui.
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Needledrop is a skeuomorphic vinyl turntable interface for listening to music on YouTube. Use it with your favorite albums and share with friends. Try it out for good vibes.
ketchupReader - a webclient for Pocket
I just built a web-client for Pocket (getpocket.com - an online bookmarking/read-it-later service) with extra features the current Pocket web-client doesn't have (and I have more planned). Uses the power and ubiquity of Pocket, but adds features the current interface lacks. [more inside]
Customers Included, 2nd Edition
I just launched the 2nd edition of my book about customer experience and strategy. It has a bunch of case studies - from Apple, Google, Netflix, Walmart, an African hand pump, a New York City park, and the B-17 bomber - showing what happens when organizations fail to include the customer/user/recipient when they make big decisions. [more inside]