2 posts tagged with trailers.
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Radioactive Trailers

COMING SOON TO OUR THEATER! Monsters! Aliens! Bikers! Vampires! Witches! Dinosaurs! Barbarians! Zombies! Natives! Swordsmen! Devil worshipers! Cool cats! Ass-kicking soul brothers! Sorceresses! Sharktopi! Action! Horror! Mystery! The occult! Low production values! Nonsensical editing! Cheesy acting! Cheap special effects! Ed Wood! Roger Corman! Bert I. Gordon! The Asylum! And much more! Please visit our snack bar! Movies are your best value! And now--OUR SHOW (NSFW in places) Extra: Drive-In Intermissions! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 12, 2015 - 0 comments

Killer Disco Wedding

On August 8th, 1978, you a cordially invited to the wedding of Gwen Anne Sanderson and Brent Forrest Hall. There will be dinner. There will be dancing. There will be murder. Killer Disco Wedding. A destination wedding, where the destination is death. What do you get when you mash up a grindhouse trailer with a '90s compilation album commercial...well, this. Shot over the weekend in Los Angeles last month.
posted by wonderwonder on Jun 16, 2010 - 4 comments

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