2 posts tagged with scotinomys.
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I promised MeFi some information about singing mice a long time ago...
I've just graduated with my PhD! In my department, PhD defenses are traditionally open to the public: anyone who wants to can attend. Because of COVID, mine was held via Zoom this year, and I was able to record it and transcribe/caption it so that anyone who would like can watch. [more inside]
Context in courtship: how do singing mice decide when to sing?
I promised a singing mouse poster, and I've delivered. Here's what I've been doing lately, designed to be presented at Evolution 2018 this week. Do mice with better body condition sing more because they physically can or because they want to? What's leptin, and how does it play a role in body condition scoring? And honestly, why does it matter when singing mice choose to sing and why? [more inside]