5 posts tagged with occupywallstreet.
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What if Occupy Wall Street Succeeds?
Much of what we hear about Occupy Wall Street is about what people are against. What if Occupy Wall Street talked about the life that people are standing for? We asked protesters to envision how their life or the life of a loved one would be improved if Occupy Wall Street succeeds. [more inside]
The Occupied Wall Street Journal
Illustrations I've done so far for The Occupied Wall Street Journal are now online, and not just in PDF format. Links to the drawings in Issue #1 and Issue #3. Please poke around the site and read all the articles!
#OWS Charts
I'm collecting charts and data that might help to explain why those Occupy Wall St. folks are so upset.
The Occupy Wall Street People's Library
The People’s Library is the collective, public, open library of the Occupy Wall Street leaderless resistance movement. Located in the northeast corner of Liberty Plaza, the library provides free, open and unrestricted access to our collection of books, magazines, newspapers, ‘zines, pamphlets and other materials that have been donated, collected, gathered and discovered during the occupation. The working group for the library, which is composed of all those engaging with the library on any level, conduct all of our business through the web site in order to keep the library open, democratic and transparent.
A wiki for the #occupywallstreet, #occupytogether and any #occupy-related protests
I set up a wiki for people involved in the #occupy protests. I would love for this to expand into a hub where people can add information for their local protests. I was also leaning towards collecting relevant political and economic educational materials, protest ideas, camping advice, "ideology" advice and quotes about being inclusive, nonviolent and open-minded, recommended reading, and/or links to current media coverage. [more inside]