4 posts tagged with maps by tmcw.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
I work in maps but am generally frustrated with the way the field is taught: so this is my attempt at making educational materials that dial down the corporate tie-ins and talk about concept. I also write about the process of making it and am planning on illustrating & printing it for free/cheap for students.
A simple way to edit, share, and create map data, by drawing, importing, or coding directly. [more inside]
Project It Yourself!
With an accompanying intro and arty blog post, Project it Yourself rethinks map projections and lets you make new ones from scratch, with nothing more than household math.
Your Superfund
What environmental catastrophe is your neighbor? A map of all 1.6k Superfund sites and an instant finder for your own by using some interesting math hacks.