12 posts tagged with magic.
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Magical Regulators TTRPG

I just put out a game! Magical Regulators is a game about powerful wizards messing with things far beyond their ken - politics, bureaucracy, and the lives of normal people. Players are tasked with coming up with regulations to make magical innovations safe. It's got comedy, chaos, and lots of magic. Also you can level up by making puns! [more inside]
posted by Garm on Feb 1, 2025 - 0 comments

Queer Lady Magician

Remember this question about being a Queer Lady Magician? It's real now. Coming to a Melbourne Fringe near you. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jul 19, 2018 - 6 comments

The Our Ladies Pop Magic series

I have been working on this project on and (quite frequently) off for a couple of years now and am excited to debut the first three muses in my Our Ladies series: Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard, Morticia Addams, and Endora from Bewitched! Our Ladies combines my interests in Tarot and folk magic with my love of pop culture, especially the fabulous divas and mischievous witches of fantasy, science fiction, noir and melodrama. [more inside]
posted by hilatron on Feb 11, 2018 - 2 comments

Peter and Paul, or Heaven and Hell

"What is this mess?" said the angel. "Unfold those scraps and put them together." A new twist on the old heaven-and-hell paper-folding trick, and a survey of various versions over the past century.
posted by Mapes on Jul 7, 2017 - 1 comment

Hocus Growcus

Hocus Growcus is a puzzle bullet hell game about a witch trying to switch majors in college. When you are forced to take the entrance exam to your new major, you have no time to study, so you go in blind -- all you have is your wits, a minor magical plant-growing talent, and the ability to change the flow of time. In order to succeed, you must face down twenty waves of enemies, but without a direct means of attack, each encounter becomes its own puzzle. Can you pass the test? [more inside]
posted by brecc on Dec 6, 2016 - 0 comments

Magic Realism Bot

Magic Realism Bot is a Twitter bot that writes tiny magic realist stories. Think Jorge Luis Borges, with a dash of Calvino, Eco, García Márquez and Allende. There's a little bit of Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis, Philip Pullman and (a childhood favourite of mine) Richard Hughes in there too. [more inside]
posted by dontjumplarry on Nov 10, 2015 - 9 comments

Magehollow: A Web Serial

Magehollow is an ongoing work of serial fiction that explores a young girl's introduction to the world of magic. It's a bit of modern-day fantasy that's about a quarter of the way through its run now. [more inside]
posted by billybunny on Aug 22, 2014 - 0 comments


"Commander" is a popular, casual format of Magic: The Gathering with constrained deck construction rules. ManabaseCrafter helps players select the format-legal cards that provide "mana", the core resource of gameplay, for their specific decks.
posted by quarantine on Nov 9, 2012 - 0 comments


I directed and edited a music video for musician Kim Boekbinder for the song "Gypsy" off her The Impossible Girl album. Metafilter gets a shout-out!
posted by The Whelk on Sep 28, 2012 - 5 comments

Friendship is Magic: The Gathering

A bunch of people asked me if I was serious about a single, one like joke comment I made in a MeFi thread six months ago. I decided to be serious. Shards of Equestria is a complete, 270-card custom M:TG set based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It uses no custom attributes or abilities making it playable as both a self-contained set or with friends in casual play alongside real cards. And at the end of this month, the set will be free for download so that it can be printed and played. [more inside]
posted by XQUZYPHYR on Jun 14, 2012 - 8 comments

The Science of Magic

I like science. I like magic. This is my attempt to bring the two together. The Science of Magic is a series of easy to do magic tricks made available for the purpose of teaching students how to apply the scientific method in, what I hope will be, a fun and informative way. [more inside]
posted by Mister_Sleight_of_Hand on Jan 13, 2012 - 3 comments

Ephemera Magica

My Father & Grandfather passed away last year. I inherited a few cigar boxes of old magic ads, books, and tricks from the early 1900's. Every day I scan a new page, book, trick, etc. and try and try to learn a little about it.
posted by haplesschild on Jun 1, 2010 - 0 comments

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