8 posts tagged with images.
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PicPack - Easy photo and video sharing for groups
I needed a way to share photos and videos for my son's Lacrosse tournaments with other parents. Most solutions require an app download or make it harder than it needs to be. I built PicPack to make the process of collecting and viewing photos and videos super easy. [more inside]
Link finding things
Doo doo doo! This is Link finding things on the web and holding them up for you to see, as he does! Except he's doing it on Twitter instead of your NES, which doesn't even work unless you hold in the cartridge a certain way.
GIFbites is a regular podcast and tumblr on/about/for animated GIFs. Each episode lasts no more than 15 seconds. [more inside]
Photo Timeline Generator
Given a search term and a starting year, this little web app uses the Google Image Search API to generate an image based timeline. Scrolling to the right adds more years dynamically. [more inside]
Commons Image Browser
A website that lets you browse CC and public domain images. [more inside]
Your Hipster Meme Is Completely F---ing Played Out
My attempt to turn some of the existing LOLHIPSTERS sites on their ear by way of deconstruction. At least, that's the highbrow explanation. At the very least, I want to satirize the mocking of my hipster brethren around the world.
Tumblelog of dreamlike snippets with the help of Globe Genie and Google Streetview. Currently doing European scenes, will branch out as more of the world becomes visible.
NeoClassicus: The artwork of Judith Turim
My mother has been a struggling fine artist for the past 40 years. She finally decided to take the plunge and develop a portfolio site for her work. [more inside]