4 posts tagged with heaven.
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War in Heaven

This is an ongoing project, documenting what has been termed the “War in Heaven”, mentioned in the Bible and other texts, like “Paradise Lost”. Links to 2 books I’ve written about the War as well as other of my sites on the subject. It’s not for everyone—it’s really out there, to tell you the truth. But welcome to my life.
posted by paladin on Oct 9, 2020 - 0 comments

Peter and Paul, or Heaven and Hell

"What is this mess?" said the angel. "Unfold those scraps and put them together." A new twist on the old heaven-and-hell paper-folding trick, and a survey of various versions over the past century.
posted by Mapes on Jul 7, 2017 - 1 comment

War in Heaven

This is an ongoing project, in blog form. It involves my experiences with the War in Heaven as described in the Book of Revelation. I've written two books about it. You don't have to believe in any of it to find it an interesting read, I don't think. Rationally, I feel someimes like a UFO abductee when I talk about what happened to me. And I'm not going to say, "I know what I saw," but rather, "What the heck do you think it was?!" Really, it goes beyond crazy. See for yourself. [more inside]
posted by paladin on Feb 15, 2015 - 2 comments

Memoirs from the War in Heaven

College student drops acid on a Friday night, and gets caught up in the mythical War in Heaven. A war in eternity. It's most probably not like anything you'd imagine. Off and on for the next 25 years he's in it, not to know at any real level what it was, exactly, that he'd been caught up in, not till near the very end of it. Like a spirit that from time to time takes over his life, like a fugue. And which at the end it all comes together. This is a true story, as best as could be recollected. Too strange to be fiction.
posted by paladin on Nov 7, 2014 - 1 comment

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