20 posts tagged with development.
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Where in the World

'Where in the World' is an interactive web based game in which you try to locate notable places or historical events on a map. You are given a series of 10 locations to find on a map. You try to get the lowest distance between your guess and the actual location. [more inside]
posted by bitbotbit on Mar 24, 2024 - 5 comments

Codepip: coding games for learning web dev

A few years back, I released two CSS coding games as weekend open source projects: Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden. Based on the positive reception they got, I was motivated to launch Codepip and expand into more games. Since launch I've added six games for learning different aspects of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with more in the works. Last week came Sourcery, which introduces the HTML workflow tool Emmet.
posted by thomaspark on Oct 31, 2020 - 2 comments

The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS

At age 99, comic artist Al Jaffee just announced his retirement. Jaffee was best known for his Mad Magazine fold-ins, where folding the page reveals a hidden message in the artwork. Plenty of examples can be found on the web. Unfortunately, they all show the before and after statically, diminishing the magic. There’s a whole generation who may have only seen the fold-ins in this format. So of course I had to create the paper folding effect for the web.
posted by thomaspark on Jun 9, 2020 - 5 comments

Dunktown - The Unauthorized Basketball Podcast

Hosted by two funny women for people who love basketball but don’t love the boring stuff — stats, numbers, stodgy old announcer guys. I handled the design. My partner seldomfun is the producer. [more inside]
posted by Uncle Glendinning on Nov 1, 2018 - 1 comment

High Post Software

In early 2017 I launched a new web and mobile development consultancy, focused on small and medium sized organizations, especially those with a social mission. [more inside]
posted by Kwine on May 22, 2017 - 0 comments

Auto-generating library catalog tags

I don't have much of a background in programming, but I do have a bit of one in libraries. This was my final paper for a graduate course from last semester. I'm curious to hear from other people in the library and programming fields about the viability of the idea. Is it useful, feasible, doable? The basic idea is to automatically attach search terms to library items that end up being used because of those search terms. I'd love to hear what you think!
posted by holmesian on Feb 14, 2017 - 1 comment

Wired's Star Trek's 100 Crew Members Ranked (With links)

Wired thought they would rile people up by ranking Star Trek characters. But, they just provided a list. No links with context or further info. So I've done that. Mainly I wanted to fiddle with a heroku app and learn Bootstrap. Please enjoy my really cruddy looking "app." I want to continue to work on it until it looks nice. Most of the links work. I may have missed one or two. It's an ongoing journey.
posted by hot_monster on Sep 7, 2016 - 0 comments

Media/digital literacy, with snarky puppets.

An update on what we've been up to at The Media Show, including an interview with the head of punk label Kill Rock Stars and arguing with a puppet version of Richard Stallman. [more inside]
posted by gusandrews on Aug 16, 2016 - 0 comments

99% Invisible Site Redesign

As major podcast and design nerds, my developer partner, seldomfun, and I were super excited to work with the wonderful podcast 99% Invisible on their recent website redesign. Talk about a dream project! How did this thang get made you ask? We also just posted a detailed post on our site on the process.
posted by Uncle Glendinning on Jun 1, 2016 - 4 comments

The Full Stack

Unique insights for JavaScript developers.
posted by dortzur on Apr 4, 2016 - 2 comments

The New Code

Seven years ago I asked about blogging solutions on AskMe. A year after that, I had the site up and running. But times (and best practices) change, so I've completely rewritten, redesigned, rebranded and relaunched my web development site. [more inside]
posted by Bora Horza Gobuchul on Aug 30, 2015 - 1 comment

A robot will do your job one day. You should start building it.

I did a talk at the Develop Denver 2015 conference on developers building automation systems (robots) to replace themselves. This is a video of the talk, minus the intro. [more inside]
posted by scottreynen on Aug 14, 2015 - 1 comment


ManyLittleApps aggregates seven (and counting) web apps for website design, graphics design, and wordplay. [more inside]
posted by quarantine on Feb 21, 2013 - 2 comments

Feedipedia, an on-line encyclopedia of animal feeds

Feedipedia is an open access information system on animal feed resources that provides information on nature, occurrence, chemical composition, nutritional value and safe use of nearly 1300 worldwide livestock feeds. It is managed jointly by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. [more inside]
posted by elgilito on Nov 10, 2012 - 3 comments

Your Mother, the Hacker

Need help explaining your Internet-y job to your mom? We're here to help! We're sending out Mother's Day e-cards to clue her in on the nonsense that is the Web. Pick some terms and they'll show up friendly-like in her inbox this Sunday. Web servers, the Cloud, PHP, and a gazillion more await! There's also a version with holiday-appropriate floweriness.
posted by soma lkzx on May 10, 2012 - 0 comments

Intervals, online time, task and project management software

Intervals is an online app that I've been working on for several years. Our web design and development agency built it, and uses it, to track our time, tasks and projects. Thought I'd share it with other web-savvy types who might find Intervals useful. There is also a lot of great content in the blog as well, where we've been writing about web design and development for several years. Lots of great content there.
posted by johnjreeve on May 9, 2012 - 0 comments

Infinimapper - HTML5-based Map Editor

The famous Tiled map editor is a powerful open source application for creating tile-based maps for use in video games, but what happens when we bring that level of versatility to anything that can run a modern browser? Add in the ability to create maps as large as you can imagine, allow editors in the same space to see each others work in real time, and this open source project could help facilitate a level of collaboration previously difficult to achieve. The end goals of this include use as a classroom teaching tool to spark young imaginations and hopefully generate interest in software development through simple games. It's a work in progress, so please feel free to let me know if there's anything you'd like to see.
posted by NBJack on Jan 18, 2012 - 0 comments

The World: Now and then

An online exhibition showing how quickly and dramatically the cityscapes and landscapes of the world are changing. Features 'now and then' photographs of San Francisco, New York, Shanghai, Dubai, Newcastle... and Upsala glacier.
posted by HELLOWORLD on Feb 15, 2011 - 2 comments

New Jersey Land Change Viewer

"Changing Landscapes in the Garden State" is an ongoing collaborative report between Rowan University and Rutgers University that analyzes the urban development patterns in New Jersey since 1986. The latest version of the report was released at the end of July to include the latest data from 2007. Previous versions of the report included static maps of development patterns; this release is the first to include several interactive, animated maps that demonstrate urban growth, farmland, forest and wetlands loss, as well as increases in impervious surface. A final map shows the land that actually remains and is vulnerable to future development. There's not much left in New Jersey; approximately 1 million acres remain.
posted by johnjreiser on Aug 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Find bugs by Jinxing your multi-threaded code.

I work at a start-up founded by my thesis advisor. We have just released our first product: Jinx. Jinx makes multi-threaded code 'unlucky' so bugs occur (and can be fixed) more quickly and easily. Its free for academic and non-commercial use or you can get a 30-day trial. We'd love any and all feedback. Look below the fold for more info on multi-threaded code, debugging, and the research Jinx is based on. [more inside]
posted by lucasks on Aug 25, 2010 - 1 comment

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