3 posts tagged with comicbook.
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Estilo Hindu - A Mexico City Comicbook
A hand-drawn non-fiction comic about Mexico City in 2015. Contains stories about street-side electric shocks, nightclubs named after forgotten globe-trotting radicals, the magical realism of the city's street names, a 25-year old dance battle, the idiosyncrasies of the city's museums, a long-running counterculture market and a spiritual experience disguised as a 'mud bath.' [more inside]
Pulp Apologies
This started off as me tinkering with a Tumblr idea called Pulp Silence -- golden age comics panels with the dialogue balloons blanked -- but I got curious about what else I could put in these balloons. and one thing led to another. [more inside]
Resilient Brainforest: Comics by people who don't (usually) make comics
1. Everyone has stories to tell. 2. Anyone can make a comic (even if you can't draw) 3. People often surprise themselves by rising to a creative challenge. THUS: A monthly comic book (PDF) comprising comics I've solicited from friends and acquaintances.
If that's not sufficient impetus to investigate, I'll add that the latest issue's theme is "Sex", and the resulting comics are appropriately NSFW.