3 posts tagged with assemblage.
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Working Through Grief with Shrine Making
In July of 2017 my mother died after a long time being sick. She and I always had a tremulous relationship, and since the late 90's I've been her care taker on and off. I had a lot of feelings about her passing, so I worked through them making art. [more inside]
Sculpture made from things and digital collages made from sculptures
After much procrastination I've finally managed to get my new website together. On it you'll find a large number of examples of the art I've been making over the past 20 years or so, as well as some writing and some sound work. Any comments, feedback or suggestions WRT content, layout or structure would be greatly appreciated, as I'm kind of figuring that side of things out for myself at present.
Object Poems and Toy Boxes
I've always been fascinated by objects that have journeyed through time and the scars, patinas and even energies they appear to have acquired. At first I started collecting them, and then, as I would notice certain juxtapositions, I started combining them into assemblage artworks.
I recently got my first art show of these artworks, and I'm proud to show them off here! (and now you can see where my nickname, extrabox comes from!)