4 posts tagged with analytics.
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The Juris Lab
The Juris Lab is a collaborative empirical legal research blog covering a wide range of subjects, including judicial behavior, regulatory activity, computational linguistics, and litigation analytics. New posts most weekdays.
#BusinessyBrunette: Lessons from Harvard Business School's HBX CORe
I'm currently taking Harvard Business School's HBX CORe, an online business fundamentals course that covers analytics, accounting, and economics. I'm writing up what I'm learning and making it accessible to non-MBA types. Topics covered include minimum wage, the math behind trendlines, and why the Spiders Georg meme is off, amongst others!
Awesomelytics: cross-site real-time and historical web analytics
In addition to standard web analytics features — view detailed visitor information in real time on a world map, analyze historical information on visits, record events, and so on — Awesomelytics lets you retrieve visitor events on any of your properties from any of your other properties when you install the tracking code on multiple websites. This allows you to follow your users as they move between your sites and act on information gleaned on your other websites. Installation is straightforward and is documented for various platforms. A WordPress plugin is also available.
Minute, a friendly keylogger and visualization thereof
With the accompanying infographic-heavy blog post, it does what it says on the tin and more. Tracks your keystrokes, makes beautiful pictures and surprising observations from the data. Open source, and you can download 50 days of my data. [more inside]