7 posts tagged with WebDev.
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Web experiments, explainers, code snippets--all with source code available--since 1996. I'm proud to have refit and rehabbed this site fully after a long hiatus. It's part of getting excited about the web again. Blog post:
ARTLUNG LAB & a return to a World Wide Web. It's all on GitHub. And in 2010 this AskMe prompted this item.
Anchoreum: a game for learning CSS anchor positioning
Anchoreum is a game for learning all about CSS's newest module, anchor positioning. It's in the same spirit as its predecessors, Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden. The CSS feature, and thus the game, is only supported in Chrome and Edge as of now, with broader support coming soon.
I’ve made a simple page that brings together third-party tools I find useful when launching web projects. Enter a URL once then check its metadata, links, headers, etc.
Some Dark Place
The Christopher L. Jorgensen Collection:
A digitized and cataloged private collection of historical cabinet cards and CDVs.
Updated daily. [more inside]
Dramatically decrease your page's initial CSS load. WhatCSS.info automatically generates a minified version of the bare minimum CSS a user needs to begin interacting with your site. [more inside]
Wired's Star Trek's 100 Crew Members Ranked (With links)
Wired thought they would rile people up by ranking Star Trek characters. But, they just provided a list. No links with context or further info. So I've done that.
Mainly I wanted to fiddle with a heroku app and learn Bootstrap.
Please enjoy my really cruddy looking "app." I want to continue to work on it until it looks nice.
Most of the links work. I may have missed one or two. It's an ongoing journey.
Awesomelytics: cross-site real-time and historical web analytics
In addition to standard web analytics features — view detailed visitor information in real time on a world map, analyze historical information on visits, record events, and so on — Awesomelytics lets you retrieve visitor events on any of your properties from any of your other properties when you install the tracking code on multiple websites. This allows you to follow your users as they move between your sites and act on information gleaned on your other websites. Installation is straightforward and is documented for various platforms. A WordPress plugin is also available.