3 posts tagged with PC.
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Monkey Pop: The Experiment
Monkey Pop is a local 2-player game you play on a shared keyboard. You can play it right in the browser, or download a Mac or Windows version. Computer only, no mobile version, sorry. It's sort of a retro single-screen platformer in the vein of Joust or the original Mario Bros, except with monkeys and saws and brain control helmets. [more inside]
this is DOS POP: over 40 minutes of primitive, tinny FM slime-synthesis for the discerning pop aesthete. a soundcloud mix sourced from vintage PC games, with some tasty ear candy and glitchery thrown in for good measure.
maxis trash funk, bitcrushed opera, diseasecore, swamp new age, adlib fantasia and soundblaster death jams await your miserable, yearning ears. grab some waterproof headphones and dive in.
part of the experience is not always knowing what you're hearing, so I haven't included a tracklist. available on request, though.
Intelligent Gamer
I started a new website which focuses on news for the Intelligent Gamer. It's a multi platform gaming news and reviews site that I describe as the Anti-Kotaku. [more inside]