July 29, 2014 1:14 PM   Subscribe

this is DOS POP: over 40 minutes of primitive, tinny FM slime-synthesis for the discerning pop aesthete. a soundcloud mix sourced from vintage PC games, with some tasty ear candy and glitchery thrown in for good measure. maxis trash funk, bitcrushed opera, diseasecore, swamp new age, adlib fantasia and soundblaster death jams await your miserable, yearning ears. grab some waterproof headphones and dive in. part of the experience is not always knowing what you're hearing, so I haven't included a tracklist. available on request, though.
Role: curator, mix artist
posted by naju (2 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Would love the track list. Is this also the reason it's one long track?

Only problem I have with this project is that since it samples games you don't really have a "fair use" claim on the sounds, right? So for non-commercial uses you are probably not going to get hit with anything, but this sort of precludes you from ever doing anything commercial with this project, no?

Also, I love your stuff, so get excited whenever you put up something new.
posted by cjorgensen at 8:29 AM on July 31, 2014

Thanks. Yep, I'd never do anything commercial with this, and much like Girl Talk or Neil Cicierega, I don't have any legal standing on fair use or other grounds. At the same time, I have a hard time believing the copyright owners of Jill of the Jungle or Ween: The Prophecy are going to be up in arms over it. This is kinda as obscure as things get. My basic policy is I'm happy to work with whoever gets in contact, but I'm causing no one harm.

posted by naju at 8:41 AM on July 31, 2014

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