60 posts tagged with JavaScript.
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Decision Tree Generator

The Decision Tree Generator parses a YAML file and, if it's in the correct syntax, creates a series of questions and responses that can be displayed on a webpage. It doesn't require a login, and the tree you create is around until someone else overwrites it. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Oct 25, 2012 - 2 comments

Tabminder: Stop distracted browsing before it starts

Tabminder is a Google Chrome extension I built to intercept distracted browsing and give me occasional reminders to get back to work. When I open a distracting tab on my blacklist, Tabminder starts counting down from a preset time limit. When time's up, it prompts me to close the distracting tab or restart the timer. It's just annoying enough to keep me focused but not so strict that I can't visit MetaFilter once in a while. It works well in combination with StayFocusd to keep me from wasting my daily distraction quota. [more inside]
posted by ecmendenhall on Sep 15, 2012 - 2 comments

Tweetchive, a view of your Twitter archive

Tweetchive is a little web hack I made to show your past tweets in various views. The primary view is a map, there are also views of pictures and text and links. It's not really a finished product, but it's useful enough I launched it. [more inside]
posted by Nelson on Jul 23, 2012 - 1 comment

Project It Yourself!

With an accompanying intro and arty blog post, Project it Yourself rethinks map projections and lets you make new ones from scratch, with nothing more than household math.
posted by tmcw on Mar 16, 2012 - 1 comment

Gibberish Generator

I'm proud to announce my first iPhone App: Gibberish Generator. This app allows you to generate pseudo-random sentences from lists of verbs, nouns, and the like. Optionally, you can enable your contacts, to allow them to be used in the random fun. The result can be tweeted or emailed to your friends. I can't imagine a more useful app than that. Perhaps I need a better imagination. [more inside]
posted by jpburns on Feb 5, 2012 - 0 comments

Chomper 5 - Version 2.0 of my Pac-Man in HTML5 project

Several months ago I linked to my first crack at writing a Pac-Man clone in HTML5. Based on mefite suggestions and my own revision plan, I've completely reworked my original code. Play as Pac-Man, Ms., or Jr., and select from several mazes. Original sound and graphics "borrowed" from MAME emulation. Works best in Chrome and Firefox. [more inside]
posted by hiteleven on Nov 29, 2011 - 6 comments

Javascript graphing calculator

I wrote a little Graphing calculator in HTML5. You enter formulas as javascript code, and the my code evaluates them over and over again to generate an animated graph. You can change the color and width of the function graphs, the background color and add a 'fade effect', which can result in some cool visuals (examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B ) and you can generate hyperlinks to anything you create (that's how I linked to the examples.) [more inside]
posted by delmoi on Oct 30, 2011 - 6 comments

Map of prevalent winds in North America

Curious which way the wind blows? Here's a map of historical winds in California and here's a detailed view of Honolulu. WindHistory is an interactive web map that shows wind roses for 2500 stations in North America. Built with SVG, Polymaps, and D3.
posted by Nelson on Jun 7, 2011 - 8 comments

Consequence.js or: How I learned to stop delegating and set the var.

Consequence.js is a small Javascript library for reactive programming: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_programming [more inside]
posted by hanoixan on Apr 1, 2011 - 2 comments

Web Developer Guide: XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and PhotoShop

For the last nine years I have taught web development, with a sideline in 3D, while continuing to freelance. The product of this AskMeFi question, my blog contains lectures, lessons, tutorials, resources and practice quizzes for XHTML, PHP and CSS. Increasingly, I’m focusing my writing on JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. I’ve just added the (very much beta) ability to sign up and leave comments, with many more features planned. [more inside]
posted by Bora Horza Gobuchul on Mar 2, 2011 - 4 comments

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