2 posts tagged with javascript by delmoi.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.


Powershop search engine for PC components (like motherboards, CPUs, etc). My basic plan was to create a tool like diskcompare that would work for all types of components, as well as an attempt to come up with a modern HTML5 UI that would let you view and filter data the same way you would in a spreadsheet or database browser. Right now it works for CPUs, GPUs, RAM, Motherboards, Monitors, Hard drives (including SSDs), USB sticks (and flash cards), Monitors, Cases and Fans, as well as Laptops and Tablets. The front-end was done entirely in javascript (about 5k lines of JS before compression), and no HTML is generated server-side, instead plain HTML is sent and the javascript code requests JSON objects for everything else. [more inside]
posted by delmoi on Dec 15, 2012 - 4 comments

Javascript graphing calculator

I wrote a little Graphing calculator in HTML5. You enter formulas as javascript code, and the my code evaluates them over and over again to generate an animated graph. You can change the color and width of the function graphs, the background color and add a 'fade effect', which can result in some cool visuals (examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B ) and you can generate hyperlinks to anything you create (that's how I linked to the examples.) [more inside]
posted by delmoi on Oct 30, 2011 - 6 comments

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