Web Developer Guide: XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and PhotoShop
March 2, 2011 7:35 AM   Subscribe

Web Developer Guide: XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and PhotoShop
For the last nine years I have taught web development, with a sideline in 3D, while continuing to freelance. The product of this AskMeFi question, my blog contains lectures, lessons, tutorials, resources and practice quizzes for XHTML, PHP and CSS. Increasingly, I’m focusing my writing on JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. I’ve just added the (very much beta) ability to sign up and leave comments, with many more features planned.

Comments, suggestions and feedback are very much appreciated.
posted by Bora Horza Gobuchul (5 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite

Ahh! Looks great. You're getting a vote for me and I've been planning on working on my PHP and JavaScript chops over the next few weeks. Thanks again!
posted by thsmchnekllsfascists at 8:25 AM on March 2, 2011

Have you seen html5boilerplate?

I have been brushing up on my basics for interviews, so I'll definitely be checking this out.
posted by yaymukund at 9:31 AM on March 2, 2011

This is fantastic stuff, thanks!
posted by oulipian at 7:23 PM on March 2, 2011

Absolutely, brilliantly awesome, thank you!
posted by londonmark at 3:39 AM on March 3, 2011

I liked it - clear, concise, and focuses on concepts rather than "And this box would look nicer if it was taupe."
posted by Joe in Australia at 5:40 PM on March 5, 2011

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