7 posts tagged with Calculator.
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A calculator that computes to the nearest 1/16th, designed for US contractors and DIYers working in inches.
posted by thomaspark on Feb 4, 2025 - 4 comments

Carbon Footprint Calculator

The Earth Rewards green app has a carbon calculator to help you track your CO2 footprint. It also helps you learn how to reduce your footprint. Each ERZ can offset 1kg of your carbon footprint so the more you collect the more you can help the environment. Please read PDF
posted by monicafrench on Nov 5, 2020 - 1 comment

MP-29 Tactile Touchscreen Calculator

I built a touchscreen that provides tactile feedback (feels like you're pressing a key), then I built a programmable scientific calculator around it, and then I gave a presentation at the HPCC 2020 virtual conference. The link goes to the conference video. If the timestamp doesn't work, jump to 3:19:00. [more inside]
posted by mpark on Oct 11, 2020 - 1 comment

Monthly Damage

Are you trying to buy a house? Well, if so, this tells you how much you'll have to pay each month for it, factoring in taxes and loan terms, so you can immediately find out if a house or condo is just too bonkers for you.
posted by ignignokt on Oct 30, 2015 - 5 comments

GSA Per Diem Calculator

Just a calculator for the US Federal Per Diem. I wrote one for Virginia, and was asked to do one for the GSA rates, so I did some rethinking and put it on this site. Business Offices loved the Virginia one to the extent that some require a printout from my site for travel reimbursements. The About page tells you a bit more and links to my personal site where I've written about it in even more detail.
posted by idb on Oct 4, 2014 - 7 comments

Paul Ryan Marathon Calculator

As a fairly ardent Democratic supporter and political junkie, the unrepentant mistruths of Paul Ryan's GOP convention speech annoyed me a great deal. As a distance runner, Paul Ryan shaving over an hour off of his actual marathon time, and putting himself into the much-envied group of runners who've achieved a sub-3 hour marathon, outright angered me. And as a web nerd, I figured I could at least help others understand what their Paul Ryan marathon speeds would be -- so I built a quick calculator to do just that. Enjoy!
posted by delfuego on Sep 4, 2012 - 3 comments

Javascript graphing calculator

I wrote a little Graphing calculator in HTML5. You enter formulas as javascript code, and the my code evaluates them over and over again to generate an animated graph. You can change the color and width of the function graphs, the background color and add a 'fade effect', which can result in some cool visuals (examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B ) and you can generate hyperlinks to anything you create (that's how I linked to the examples.) [more inside]
posted by delmoi on Oct 30, 2011 - 6 comments

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