6 posts tagged with 35mm.
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Film photography website get!
I'm a film photographer based in NYC and I finally bit the bullet, scanned a load of negatives, bought a URL + hosting, and put up a website. Mostly black and white (some color), mostly medium format (some 4x5 large format or 35mm), in a couple different genres. There's some moody street work, a fun hot sauce expo, NYC Pride 2016, and much more for your delectation. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Celluloid Chicago
A semi-comprehensive listing of all the upcoming analog film screenings in the Chicago area, big and small. [more inside]
Analog film exhibitors list
A list of exhibitors who intentionally show films on film (35mm, 16mm, whathaveyou) to the public — cinemas, festivals, museums, and itinerant groups. It started out as a news digest looking at (1) cinemas that are switching to digital technology and (2) cinemas that are choosing to preserve analog film exhibition in some form, but I kept finding so many interesting little pro-analog cinema projects that I had to make a list of them. [more inside]
Further Farther
For the last few years, I have traveled by bicycle with a 35mm camera and shot photos along the way. I am scanning and posting one image a day. [more inside]
"China Girls / Leader Ladies"
A collection of frame enlargements I made of the mysterious photographs of (usually) women that sometimes appear in the unseen header footage of motion picture film. More will be added as I encounter them. [more inside]
Projectionists Draw Projectors
I've been asking all the film projectionists I know (and kind of know, or even ones who I just met) to draw pictures of projectors. It's partly an art project, but it's also intended to be something like a high-speed oral history project around a skill that used to be ubiquitous but isn't so much anymore. [more inside]